Barbarossa | Teen Ink


October 21, 2015
By Transanimation BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
Transanimation BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feeling the cold Russian wind on my face as we march to fight the Germans Makes me wish I was home,

Hearing the tanks and trucks drive past makes me think of the times when we weren’t at war,

Watching a German airstrike take place less than a few miles away makes me feel paranoid,

The German Stuka reroutes its path it must have seen us I get the chills like time has stopped,

As I hear the loud Stuka whistle all I can imagine is being dead in the next few seconds,

I watch the bombs hit our tanks and trucks all I can think is that we are next,

As I look to try to see the trough the smoke and fire to see if the Stuka is coming back,

And it turns its path once again to go for another bombing run as we run to the nearest town all I hear is its screeching whistle,

Once the bombs hit a building beside us crumbles to dust and creates a cloud of smoke,

Now the Stuka has ran out of ammunition and leaves but that would not be the last Germans we see,

This town is in Nazi occupied land and they know were here a moment of silence then a person emerges from the dust,

As we get our weapons ready to fire it turns out to be a fellow comrade coming to warn us about the incoming German squad,

We called for reinforcements an hour ago still nothing,

As we prepare for a firefight we hear a tank crush debris behind us,

We panic taking cover expecting a Panzer we still don’t see the tank trough the smoke but we see the flash of the shot it fires past us and destroying a building we watch German soldiers run an get crushed by debris the last survivors where shot by the tanks MG,

The smoke fades and we see it’s a friendly Soviet tank responding to the call we finally go back to base for rest and supplies “Mission accomplished” I yell to my squad.

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