Into The Night | Teen Ink

Into The Night

October 21, 2015
By Danengler BRONZE, Hollywood, Florida
Danengler BRONZE, Hollywood, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into the night. The crisp wind howled around the young hiker as he climbed up the mountain. The pearl white snow swirled around him. The sky was just entering dusk. Icy winds pressed against the man’s face, causing him to wince in pain. Georgian dirt had turned to snow that crunched beneath the man’s boots. Rising, the man could not help shake off an uneasy feeling. He was close to the end, yes, but to him it just felt unnatural. He had been preparing for this climb for years, waiting until the time was right. To be so close to finishing off a goal he had set so long ago just seemed unreal, but he had determination in his heart and fire in his eyes that if physical, would have melted the snow around him. Hands numb from the bitter cold, a constant wind would push him every which way. He realized it was him against the world. The cold grew stronger, and the wind crescendoed like an orchestra of invisible instruments. Pausing, the man looked up to the sky. The setting sun produced the most beautiful, vibrant colors the hiker had ever seen. He was finally on top of the world, on top of everything. The man welcomed the deep, dark red, orange, and purple hues that greeted the gloaming sky. Once the stars had shown themselves, the man was ready to continue on his journey. He took out his writing pad and started off his story with three simple words: “Into the night.”

The author's comments:

The inspiration for this story came to me by attending a sleep away camp in Georgia. I remember climbing up this particular mountain as the sun had slowly set. I remember the winds had grew in intensity the higher we climbed. Once we all reached the top, we looked out to the horizon and saw the three beautiful sights that really stood out to me, which had burned into my memory. These included the setting sun, the sunset, and the vast forests.

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