I Hate This Life of Mine | Teen Ink

I Hate This Life of Mine

October 22, 2015
By Sarah_baller15 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
Sarah_baller15 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Hate This Life of Mine


      I look into the field to see two deer a mother and her baby. I hear a car pull up. It is another rich person bring Papa another slave he bought at an auction in town. Papa buys them to work in our cotten fields.
      Sometimes I feel bad for those people. working all day in the hot some with no food or water and very little sleep. I don’t like being one of the richest people in Pennsylvania. Mama says it is a good thing but, sometimes I just feel greedy.
       I have made a desition. At midnight I am gonna sneak them all out of this cruel place, and I am coming with them. We are going to travel all the way to Oxford, Mississippi. One place I know I can get them free. My grandma lives there.
        Its go time. Papa and Momma are asleep. I walk to the slave shed. I hear a gitaur coming from the shed. I knock the open the door. They are shocked to see me. “Everyone I am here to save you,” I said.

        “I’m sorry little girl you can’t do that to many risks,” Paul said

There is no gaurds paul Papa sent them all to the town hall to see Captain Kurt. We can get out of here if we hurry there is no time to waist. I attempt to take them out and we are caught. They see i am with them and we are all shot down. I struggle to survive. three minutes later……..I die.

The author's comments:

it is about a girl who wants slavery to end but ....... FAILS!!!

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