The Dinner | Teen Ink

The Dinner

October 23, 2015
By aliahB BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
aliahB BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think over my plan for the millionth time. It’s very simple, you see, but the clean up may take time. That’s why life’s all about connections, and who you know. It's 9:45 and he should be walking in the door any minute now. I look at the dinner I’ve created. Steak with mashed potatoes. His favorite. I start to cry but remember, it will all be over very soon. I hear the alarm system ring through our marble hallways, asking for the password and I put on my “happy house wife face”.”Hello Handsome”, I say as we embrace each other. Today, he gives me a hug that’s tighter than usual. He sits down and starts eating as I watch him with the utmost hatred in my eyes. It’s ok, the night is almost over, and the plan is almost done.

“Sweetheart, that was amazing” he says, obviously full. “I only make the best for my love”, I say with a smile. I wait for the poisoning to kick in. Polonium, to be specific. Remember, it’s all about who you know in life.Even the smallest amount of this stuff is guaranteed to kill. He looks up at me and I notice it's working. His pupils are dilating and he’s sweating profusely. He looks nauseous and just really bad. “Honey, what’s wrong” I say, in a voice that would be used to soothe a child. It’s working.

“What did you do”, he says. Oh God, he looks really bad. He’s sweating and struggling to even talk. Serves him right.”Well honey, I noticed the two children of yours, they're so beautiful.””You better not touch them” he yells. “Now sweetness, you know me, I would never hurt children, especially if they're not mine!”I yell. He just looks up, dismayed, angry, and stupid.He looks up, as if he wants his life to be ended. I know my husband well. “I had a feeling you would want to die, love, so I’ll do the honors” He looks up “You’ll never get away with this, Amelia will know! Think about my kids!”He’s yelling. “I’m tired and frankly I have another guest to entertain so let’s make this quick.” I pull the safety of the gun and aim it toward his neck.” “Goodbye, my baby love” I say as I pull the trigger. That sound, was like music to my ears. I hear the doorbell and it’s just the person I was expecting. I open the door. “Chris, my love, I’ve missed you so much”. He looks at me as he pulls out a gun from behind him and pulls the trigger.

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