One Night | Teen Ink

One Night

October 23, 2015
By Riico BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Riico BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life with no regrets.

I lost my breath as I approached the object, whose lights nearly blinded me. My car flipped over the object as I was in it, soaring across the road into the woods. 

It was one hour past midnight when I awoke from my painful rest. I could feel my blood smacking onto my face as I hung upside down. I was in agony, and couldn't figure out where I had been punctured. It was the windshield, slicing through my upper thigh, driving into the car seat. I took off the seat belt, and moved the airbag away from my vision. I started to move as I felt stuck, then my leg, from the wound down, ripped off and smacked the roof of my car. A mist of dark red liquid sprayed onto my face and all over the dashboard. I was in shock, I could not feel the pain; but, I knew I had to stop the bleeding, I am too young to die. I am 16 and I just got my learner's permit, aren’t I so lucky? I fear that I would be dead before my mother kills me after she finds out I crashed her new car. I kicked the door with my unharmed leg, the left one, and then began to crawl out. I used the car as support to stand; can't believe I broke a leg (budda bump). 

It was as cold as the hearts of the boys back at school in this dark night. I was losing my grip, I could not find anything to help me stop the bleeding. I grimaced at the sight of my amputated limb, "Ugh! That looks like it's gonna hurt tomorrow." The frigid wind served me well by keeping my leg numb, and I hope that I'll even make it to tomorrow. 

The sound of a million lions roared as I began to see the lights again, getting louder and brighter as it galloped toward my direction. I stood beside the road, hopping like a bunny, hoping that it was help; I needed to get to a hospital. It was here, the metallic like object transformed into something much greater than I, but it was strange. I didn't remember seeing this particular object when I crashed, I was too blind to see. I turned to look at my car and i noticed that there was a giant fist indented in the hood the car. Have i not crashed? Did something fall from the sky? I began to feel weary due to the lack of blood I had, my leg bled purfusely. I fainted.

The author's comments:

I'm a student athlete

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