I Saw What Happened to Her | Teen Ink

I Saw What Happened to Her

October 23, 2015
By yassmeinghayad BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
yassmeinghayad BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw what happened to her when he painted a red face and a feeling of confusion and unsureness on her face. She was walking with a peaceful silence, with no one to talk to. She was always the “innocent, and quiet one” in her group of friends. She was always acceptable between everyone. No one will ever foresee her to do something awful. She was always the ideal example in the class and teachers loved her for her great behaviors. She was on her way to a place where racism is not even a word, a place where future is planned and learning is active. The teenage girl with the piece of cloth encompassing her hair and face, which was one of the ways she could represent and show her religion and beliefs to the world. And I am assured that she was never embarrassed of that.

So early in the morning, as the crack of dawn arose, the middle aged man drove by her with his shameless self, and dark heart and said the dreadful words that nobody want to hear in a beautiful morning. His words represented hate and racism. These words represented hate for herself and her worship. It happened so quickly and he drove by her with a mouth full of hatred. He was so ignorant. He was ignorant to yell and imprecate her like that. He blamed her for what happened that day even though, that day she was only one year old. He was victimizing and prosecuting her because of what happened that day.

When I heard what he said to her I, myself felt frustrated and bitter. I did not think she was aware of what just happened and why would he call her by "that word".  It was not her fault or her religion's fault but, even though they still get blamed. Not even a lot of people know anything about it, about her religion. But she was strong, even when she still does not know why that happened yet.Instead, she moved on, trusted and honored herself. The day when that happened was a memory of a tragedy that happened 14 years ago. That tragedy was blamed on them. What no one knows that these people that caused the tragedy were not identified as part of her religion anymore. The word will still be stuck with them forever, at least that's what I think.

The author's comments:

Based on a true story 

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