Grow Up, Jerry | Teen Ink

Grow Up, Jerry

October 22, 2015
By lim2454 BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
lim2454 BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jerry got himself into trouble again. His friend just called in and explained that he shoplifted a store and will have to be bailed out of jail. At this point Molly, Jerry's mom, isn't even surprised. In fact, she doesn't even care. One can only fret over a rebellious son for so long.
"I got a call. Jerry has to be bailed out again." Molly said to her husband Berry.
"What did he do now?" Berry asked.
"I don't know, but I have half a mind to leave him to fend for himself this time." Molly sighed.
Berry looked flabbergasted.
"You're going to leave him in jail? How could you be that cruel? Is your heart as cold as day old McDonald French fries?" Berry was turning a shade of purple. "You know, once McDonald fries go stale, there's nothing that'll get them to be edible again. Your heart has gone stale, Molly."
Molly couldn't believe what she was hearing from her husband. How could he still tolerate their son’s behavior after so long? Jerry has broken so many laws, it's a miracle he hasn't been locked up for good.
"I can't handle him anymore Berry. Either we leave him to learn a lesson or he gets his act together. And that’s final." Molly didn't wait for a response. She stormed up to her room.
That night, Jerry sneaked into the house without Molly hearing him. He was used to being as quiet as a robber in the night. Because he is a robber, literally.
Molly went downstairs the next morning, only to be met with Jerry fast asleep on the couch. On pure instinct, Molly took the nearest household object and threw it at Jerry’s sleeping figure.
“Get out of my house you criminal!” Molly screamed.
Jerry startled awake. “What is wrong with you?” Jerry yelled.
“How did you even get here? I know you don't have any money. How did you do it?”
Jerry let out a huff of breath and stood up to properly argue with his mother.
"I'm not going to tell you because you obviously don't care."
Molly saw red. Not even bothering to get a hold of an object this time, Molly went straight in with her fist while letting out something close to a war cry out of her mouth. Just as her knuckles were about to make contact with his face, Berry came rushing down the stairs, his beer belly jiggling obnoxiously.
"What is all this commotion?" Berry's eyes hopped from Jerry to Molly. "Oh hey Jerry, how'd you get home?" Berry did a terrible job of hiding his anxious glare to Jerry, unable to look Molly in the eyes.
Molly caught the look Berry gave to their son and knew right away that her husband had betrayed her and helped Jerry get out of jail.
“You helped him!” Molly yelled.
Berry took a cautious step away from her. “Now honey, before you get too angry hear me out. I just thought there is a better way for Jerry to learn his lesson rather than letting him it in jail.”
Jerry nodded his head enthusiastically. “Dad is right, there’s got to be a better way.”
Molly pointed an angry finger at Jerry. “I don’t want to hear another word from you.” Glaring at both her husband and son, she told them to sit down on the couch.
“This is how we are going to handle this situation.” Molly put both her hands on her hips and started pacing back and forth.
“First, you aren’t to leave the house unless the I see with my own two eyes that the sky is falling.” She looked right at Jerry. Jerry didn’t dare make a complaint.
“Second, you will do all the house and yard work. Dad paid to get you out of jail so you’ll repay us with manual labor. Mowing, cleaning, cooking, and whatever I see that needs work will be your responsibility.”
Taking two steps towards Berry, she stopped and pivoted to face him.
“And you will not assist him in any of his work.. If I see you helping him in any way, you’ll be working right along with him.”
Feeling satisfied with her grand spiel, she took a seat on the loveseat opposite of the two boys and crossed her legs.
“What are you doing sitting around? Get to work, Jerry.”

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on Nov. 3 2015 at 7:10 pm
casscass2430 BRONZE, Halloween Town, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:

Molly was right! I would have left "him to fend for himself" in jail! If Jerry is grown enough to get himself in jail, he is grown enough to do his time.