Day of Horror | Teen Ink

Day of Horror

November 4, 2015
By Anonymous

       When I woke up in the morning, I knew the day would suck. But I had no idea that it would be as horrible as it was. Not only was it the only thought on my mind, but the the earth chose to reflect it too. The weather was dreary: pouring rain, a freezing cold temperature. I didn’t see any of the animals strolling about I usually do. And then I looked at my phone.
       The single message from my sister was, “Their divorce is finalized.” Though I knew it was coming, it still felt like a knife in my stomach, being twisted and pushed in as far as possible.
       “Just get through the school day,” I told myself. “Then you can go see her in the hospital.” Having my sister in the hospital this past week was only one of many challenges.
        I got into school, walked up the stairs, and strolled over to my circle of friends. No one said hi or even acknowledged my presence. Every attempt at joining the conversation was shot down like a bullet to the heart. As the group dispersed to go to class, I stopped my one friend.
       “Why aren’t you guys talking to me?” I asked her.
       “Isn’t it obvious?” She rolled her eyes. “We’ve never liked you. Figured we would stop pretending.” I just stared at her as she walked away from me.
       But that was only the second of three terrible things to happen.
         I trudged through the rest of school in a daze. It’s almost over. Just keep going.
         After school, I went to the hospital and found my sisters room. The door was closed and a couple of doctors approached me. I knew in that moment my worst fear was about to come true. It wasn’t supposed to happen to me, not today, not ever. But of course it did. It came like more than just a knife or a bullet. It came like a storm, ripping out foundations and destroying all that I hold dear.
         “We regret to inform you…” the doctor started.

The author's comments:

I thought about my fears and things that have actually happened in my life that have had a huge impact on my life, and decided to put them in one piece.

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