The Wallet | Teen Ink

The Wallet

November 19, 2015
By arnavraut BRONZE, Cupertino, California
arnavraut BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, my name is Joe. My whole life has been a trash can. I grew up in a stable household but, because of homework, ran away from home when I was in highschool. Instead of being at a college, I was sitting on the unbearably cold sidewalks of the winter Chicago. The sidewalk and streets were very crowded because Christmas was only a week. Sitting on the slippery, frost plated sidewalk, I was cold and hungry. While everybody else around me were walking in their warm, comfy jackets I sat there with no food, no shelter, and the only clothes I had were ripped jeans and a t-shirt. My fingers felt numb and I could barely make a fist. There were goosebumps all around me and my teeth were chattering. The only way I could get even a used jacket was to beg for money. Anyone I asked for money got scared and ran away. Nobody cared that I was homeless and I barely make five dollars a day.. Begging and begging, I was starting to lose hope. Then, I hear a familiar voice.
“Hey! Joe! You have got to come here!” It was my friend, Jimmy, who was urgently calling for me from up the end of the block. Jimmy was short, had red hair, and was homeless with me too. Quickly, I ran over to him, through the crowded street. After finding Jimmy, who seemed very excited, I sat down with him and heard a very loud and ferocious sound. Immediately, I looked up and I saw an expensive looking sports car, about a block away, turning heads as it slowly roared through the human infested street with its beautiful and flawless white paint coat. “Check out that ride!” I exclaimed. “I know right! I wonder how much that costs,” replied Jimmy. The car pulled up and parked just a few feet in front of us. A man stepped out of the car.
I turned my attention from the car to the man. He was very tall, had styled hair, perfectly white teeth, and had shades on. “Look at his pocket,” Jimmy whispered. When I looked at the man’s pocket, I saw a fat, leather wallet peeking out, waiting to be stolen. As the man walked away, each of his long strides made the wallet come out a little more. Jimmy stood up and quickly ran up behind the man and I followed him. Stealthily and curiously, we followed the man. The wallet made me think of all the goodness it could bring me like clothes, plenty of food, and a place to stay. I couldn’t wait any longer so, while walking behind the man, I reached forward and grabbed the wallet. Jimmy starts to grin. The man doesn’t realize anything and I run away, with Jimmy right behind me.
Running for a while, I get tired fast as I haven’t eaten a good meal for many days. Soon, Jimmy and I found a quiet and empty corner and decided that it was a hidden and was a perfect place to open the wallet. Then, feeling the warm leather, I carefully opened the wallet. Jimmy sat next to me and examined the wallet with me. It contains a bunch of  credit cards and cash. “This is amazing!” I gasped.
The first thing I do with the wallet is buy myself and Jimmy a warm jackets and pants. Later, we also get some fast food at Mcdonald's. I ordered a chicken burger and Jimmy ordered a cheeseburger. For us, this was the best food ever! We rented an apartment to. “This is the dream!” Jimmy mentioned.
Then, just after few weeks of this “luxurious” lifestyle with Jimmy, I started to feel guilty. Guilty because I knew the money I was using was one hard earned man’s money. “It isn’t supposed to be this way,” I told Jimmy later when we were in our new apartment. “This isn’t fair. This is a crime.” Jimmy was startled by my statement. “I thought you loved this lifestyle!” Not willing to start an arguement, I left to bed.
I was very restless that night thinking about what I have done. “This isn’t fair, This isn’t right” I muttered to myself. I snuck out that night, alone in the cold, to the exact place The man’s car was parked. to my luck, it was still there. Putting the wallet on the windshield, I told myself not to regret this because it was the right thing to do. I ran back to the apartment and had a good night’s sleep after that.
In the morning, I woke up early and came just in time to see the man take the wallet, and leave. After I came back to the apartment I told Jimmy what I did. “Are you crazy! Now we can’t stay in the apartment! Forget all the beautiful clothes! What if I lose my jacket and I can’t buy another one!” “All of the stuff you mentioned belonged to the man,” I replied. After an hour of arguing, Jimmy finally agreed. “I guess you have a point. But you will regret this decision.”
We had only one week left in the apartment because we couldn’t pay for next month’s rent. Jimmy and I were watching the news on TV then suddenly a breaking news headline that a robber  and serial killer named Alex White escaped from a maximum security prison few weeks ago and has continued to rob and kill.
Thinking that the face of the robber was familiar, I took a closer look and realized that it was the man who we stole the wallet from.
“You returned a robbed wallet to the robber! That man got all his money from stealing and murder! NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I HATE YOU JOE!!!!” yelled Jimmy. 
Jimmy and I are still homeless and I continue regret returning the wallet. Not exactly a happy ending.

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