Normal Day | Teen Ink

Normal Day

December 11, 2015
By Dominic55555 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Dominic55555 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 One Monday morning, Alvin was sleeping until his alarm went off. He didn't want to wake up for school. He got his phone and turned it off,so he went back to sleep. His dad Dave went into his room and made him get up for school. He almost started crying before he decided to go to school. When he got to school he went to his class as he was walking towards his first period class Adam and Justin was waiting for him. Adam and Justin were Alvin’s bullies. Adam and Justin are almost six feet tall and they are the bullies at their school. Justin and Adam went up to him and started pushing him around.

Alvin yelled, “STOP PUSHING ME.”
“Or what?” said Justin.
Adam said, “Yaa what you gonna do about it.”
Alvin said, “ Just leave me alone please.”
“Okay,” Justin replied.
But before they left Adam stopped and wanted something.
He said, “Wait a minute, give us your money.”
Alvin had $20 on him, and now Adam and Justin each have $10.
Adam and Justin walked away, but before they did they punched him in the stomach and spit on his body. Alvin was on the ground recovering. He got up slowly and went to the bathroom to wash the spit off. He was almost thirty minutes late to class, all because of his bullies. He got detention and more assignments for being late.
It was after first period when the bullies Adam and Justin went and found Alvin, even though they knew they were gonna be late; they just wanted to mess with him. Adam and Justin met him and started pushing and punching Alvin in the stomach and the face. Alvin wore glasses and he has a scar across his eye. He got that scar from from Justin and Adam. About two years ago Adam and Justin were beating Alvin up punching him everywhere. Justin punched Alvin in the eye when he had glasses on and the glasses broke and cut one eye open. He needed stitches, and now Justin and Adam make fun of him because he has a scar. So now every time Alvin sees them he puts his glasses away.
As Alvin was getting punched he was saying, “I don't like you guys; actually no one does.”
Justin got mad at what he had said, so he said to him “OH YEAH,” and he started to punch him harder and harder.
       “No one likes you, you nerd,” said Adam.
        Then a teacher came and saw what was happening to Alvin and saw them beating him up.
       “HEY HEY break it up, break it up,” said the teacher, “Why are you guys beating him up.”
       “Because we don't like him and nobody does,” said Justin.
        “Detention both of you, I will see after school,” said the teacher.
        “But but, at least make Alvin serve detention with us,” said Justin.
        Alvin said, “Why would I have to serve detention when you guys attacked me, so that makes no sense.”
        “Well you make no sense, you're stupid,” said Adam.
        “Yeah that's right Alvin you also get detention, so Alvin you have detention with them after school,” said the teacher.
         Adam and Justin walked away laughing because they got Alvin in trouble for no reason. He was sad for the rest of the day. He couldn't do any work because his mind was somewhere else. He was thinking about what Adam and Justin will do to him at detention. He never started or finished any of his work because he was so distracted. He was thinking in his head, maybe all staff members like Justin and Adam so they don't get them in trouble. After school it was only Justin, Adam, and Alvin in detention. They were in there for one hour after school. The whole time in there Justin and Adam were saying stuff to him.
       “You're dead, you're gonna get it when this is over,”said Justin, “We could have been doing better stuff instead of sitting in detention and it's all your fault we are in here.”
        Alvin gulped and said, “Okay.”
When it was time to go, Alvin ran out and went straight by the principal’s office hoping the principal will see what Adam and Justin do to him. He started bleeding all over his face until the principal came out. The principal got mad at them started yelling and threw them on the ground and yelled, “You guys are both suspended for 5 days.
         Alvin went home crying but happy also. All he wanted was to be left alone and actually learn. He knows that and that's not gonna happen when they are at the same school as him.
         With Justin and Adam gone, two new kids came they were bigger than Justin and Adam. There names are Simon and Theadore. They are bullies but not like Justin and Adam. Adam and Justin bully small kids,but Theadore and Simon stand up for the smaller kids that can't.
         Theadore and Simon heard about what happened to Alvin and felt bad because they beat him up and never got caught doing it. Theodore and Simon hate people like that, but they had to make sure it was true, so they waited until they came back to see if they were gonna do it again.
          Theadore asked, “When are they going to be back?”
         “ Next Monday,” replied Alvin.
         When Adam and Justin got back on Monday they went straight towards Alvin. They were so mad at him, they think it was your fault they got suspended. They beat him up for that. After first period they meet the new kids, they liked them, but they didn't know that they were gonna get beat up by them. Justin and Adam started pushing Alvin around after school. Simon and Theadore saw and stepped in.
         Adam tried to punch them but he was too slow. Theadore and Simon beat up Adam and Justin bad. Theadore and Simon just kept on beating them up like how they did to Alvin. They kept on doing it until they apologized to Alvin. They felt how it felt to be bullied and how it hurts.
One day Alvin seen Adam and Justin in a park. Alvin confronted and was prepared if they tried to do something. For the first Alvin wanted to fight them and they didn’t. Adam and Justin were just standing there listening to Alvin what he had to say. He started to hit them over and over again while Adam and Justin were just standing there like statues, letting him hit them. They kept saying sorry over and over again and still Alvin kept on hitting them. Until they pushed him on the ground, so he will listen to them. As he layed there on the ground, they apologize many and many times to him. He was still mad at them but he for gave them and moved on with his life. He was proud of himself for standing up to them. At the end he got what he wanted.

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