Life With and Without Christianity | Teen Ink

Life With and Without Christianity

December 10, 2015
By Anonymous

All her life she was in church. She is what we will call a “church baby”. Cheryl knew nothing else but the church. Almost everyday she was in the church participating in a lot of church events. However, most of the time she didn’t have choice in what she did. Her mother is the main reason for why for why she participated and her going to church every day. There were some times where she did want to go to church willingly and participate in the events at the church. I chose my mother because she is the one that makes me and my brother go to church every Sunday. No matter how we feel or what we need to get done. This has helped me in the long run by allowing for me to push myself to do things that benefit me.

How has your family affected your religion?

“I believe my family affected me by my parents making me go to church no matter what as a child. It created strong and healthy habits that I still use today when going to church.”

She wants to be able to do the same for her children and set examples for them.

This means that she will follow the Word of God so the rest of the family can follow and do the same as her.
When hearing this I was shocked. I would never believe that she had to go to church even though she never felt good.

How has God influenced your family on a day to day basis?

“My family knows that God is in charge and that he is the all powerful that created everything that is in and on this earth, even the whole universe. This is why I try to get my family to pray with me everyday.”
Cheryl wants her children to strive and reach the life that God has planned for us to live.
Why do you believe in God?

She believes that there is evidence of God everywhere on this Earth. Also, she believes that God has affected in many ways and there is more evidence of him.
What evidence of God is there?

The creation of the universe is an example in her opinion.

She also believes that once you give your life to the Lord, he will be on the inside of you and you will be able to feel him.

Can you describe a time where you felt close to God?

“I feel closer to God when I pray every morning. I feel peace and tranquility when I pray to him, which allows for me to have a better day before going to work.”

What makes your “faith” get stronger?

“When I make promises to God and times where he helped me get through tough and difficult situations is when I believe my ‘faith’ gets stronger.”

She also believes when she thinks of Jesus dying for our sins will help her faith grow.

What your life be like without your religion?

Cheryl says that her life would be lost, confused, depressed, and unhappy.
She thinks that God is what guides her to happiness and without no confusion.

What question would you ask God if you could?

“I’m not really sure what I would ask God, but if I could ask I would what happened to my parents and where did they go. I would also like to ask if I could see them one more time.”

Hearing this made me think of all the questions that I would ask God myself

This all shows that her family in her past has had a big influence on her religion and what she does in the future. Cheryl tries her best do what her family has done for her to her children. All she wants is for her new family to have the same experiences she did when she was growing up. Her life wouldn’t be the same if she didn’t have Christianity. Cheryl believes that she would be lost and depressed without this religion. Christianity helped her become a better person and allow for her to find a real purpose in her life. This religion helped her get through some tough times that she didn’t know she could get through.

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