Getting Revenge | Teen Ink

Getting Revenge

December 9, 2015
By Anonymous

Matt is going to be dead , I thought as I stood on the balcony with my sister Heather, beating the ants off of my blanket. I asked Heather, “Who would want to do this to me? The ants bit me so many times, I’m itching everywhere.”
The second I asked that, I knew the answer. Me and Heather looked at each other and whispered angrily, “Matt!” I ran into Matt’s room and demanded, “Did you put bugs in my bed?” I could see him trying to hide a smirk as he watched TV. Rolling over on the bed, he attempted to reassure me that he didn’t do it. He insisted that someone else did it, and that he hadn’t put any ants in my bed. I asked him if he honestly thought I was that dumb. I had not told him what kind of bugs were on my bed, yet he seemed to know. He was obviously the one who’d put the ants in my bed. As I fumed, I started to get more and more upset. Why had I let Matt torture me like this? Why didn’t I stop him in the beginning? Even though his pranks were at first harmless and funny, they had soon become annoying. I can’t take this anymore.
I stomped into my room and muttered, frustrated, “Why is Matt so stupid? I hate him. I want to kill him. ” I heard the door creak open, and Heather walked in, and asked me if I wanted help.“Well obviously. Matt can’t just get away with it again. I need to take revenge on him,” I replied.
As we walked through the hallway, we chatted about possible ideas. We talked about hiding his clothes, tripping him into a pile of mud, pushing him into a stream, or stealing his candy at Halloween. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed breakfast. When my parents walked into the kitchen, my mom reminded me,” Remember, you guys and Matt are going for your December skiing trip. We’ll have Daniel drive you there, ok?” I enthusiastically nodded yes.
Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I turned to Heather, and blurted out, “We have to make this about skiing. Matt loves to ski. I have to figure out how to make it so he can’t ski. We can do it this week” As I was saying this, I could see an evil grin beginning to form on Heather’s face.
“Madison, you know how Matt was looking forward wanted to go on a Black Diamond trail this week? Well, since I now hate him, I don't see why I shouldn’t to stop him. We can tell the ski rentals that he has no idea how to ski, and needs lessons. Remember, our season passes come with free lessons. We can make him stick to the green trails and blue if he’s lucky. He’ll be miserable. Even better, we’ll annoy him afterwards because he bragged to his friends and us that he was super good, but still needs lessons on the bunny hill,” Heather, more and more excited.
I knew it was an amazing plan, but after thinking about it for a few minutes, I wasn’t so sure anymore. Matt is annoying, but he literally loves skiing more than anything in the world. Do I seriously want to take this opportunity away from him? He loves to go to Cypress. I remembered the time I was sick, and couldn’t go skiing. I was miserable watching Heather and Matt bundle up and go up the mountain. He did pull a bunch of pranks on me, but he is my brother. As I sat next to Heather, thinking about what I wanted to do, Matt rushed in. He asked Heather sarcastically,”So, are you and your little friend ready to leave yet? If you guys don’t hurry up, we won’t ski any black diamonds. I still have to take pictures for the guys at school of the black diamonds, or are you guys too scared?” We all grabbed our bags, and headed out the door. As I opened my bag, I found that Matt had put superglue on my favorite gloves. Once I grabbed my spare pair of gloves, I called the lesson desk at Cypress skiing, and booked beginning private lessons for Matt.
Once we got to Cypress Mountain, we excitedly told Matt that we had a surprise. I explained to him, “You always wished that  you could learn cooler tricks so we got you a private tutor for skiing so that you could go on moguls and stuff like that. Heather and I are going to go on the slopes now, ok? All you have to do is check in at the lessons desk. Then someone will meet you there. We’ll meet at Hollyburn Lodge for hot chocolate at 2:00. Have fun. Bye!”
As Heather and I rode the Lion’s Express ski lift to Slash, our favorite black diamond, we talked about the surprise for Matt. “He’s going to have a miserable time, but at least he might actually ski a few moguls. Good job Madison,” Heather acknowledged, “that was a good lie.” After a few hours, we looked at our watches, noticing that it was already 2:00, Heather and I headed to the lodge for hot chocolate. As we entered the building, I immediately saw Matt, his bright orange parka easily visible, sipping from a steaming mug. Heather and I bought some peppermint hot chocolate, and I walked over to Matt. He looked up, and when he recognized me, face turned red from anger, an evil look in his eyes.
Matt asked me, ”Why did you tell the instructor I was a beginner? I spent an hour just on the bunny hill, while you were going on Slash. Why did you lie to me? I always thought I could trust you. ”
I struggled to think of an answer, thinking I want Matt to believe me. I can’t lie anymore, and eventually sputtered, “I thought that the skill level was based on jumping. I honestly had no idea.” In response, he said, “Anyways, I convinced the instructor that I knew how to ski, so he taught me how to jump. We went on advanced courses. He even let me ski down the hunting path. You know, the one where they had the deer and everything. As you ski, you also try to shoot various targets. Good try, but you can’t stop me from skiing. Maybe next time, little sis.”  As I stood there, astonished, Matt stood up, and left for the car. He muttered to me to hop in the car, and we were heading home. On the way home, I kept on thinking about my revenge didn’t work. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I do anything right? Matt always got what he wanted.
Once we unlocked the door, Heather and I ran into my room. I told her, “I want Matt to know what it feels like to not have everything just handed to him. He literally never gets in trouble,  even though he always acts like such a jerk. I just want him to know how it feels like to have people hate him.”
Heather tapped her finger on her chin, unsure of what to do. She asked me, “Do you want to brainstorm a few things Matt is obsessed with, and maybe we can think of something?” I pulled over a chair and took out a piece of paper and a pen. As we created suggestions, I wrote them down. At the end of our brainstorm, we had all sorts of ideas. I looked at our work. I couldn’t think of anything out of our ideas. Heather and I sat on our chairs for a while, silently thinking of how we could create revenge. I sat there for about 3 minutes when an idea popped into my head.
“Ok, number one, we post the pictures of Matt falling on the bunny hill on Instagram, and the video of Matt failing and falling down on the bunny hill on Facebook. All his friends think he is, like, super amazing or something like that. If they find out he was lying, and can’t even ski on the bunny hill, they will all hate him. After all, no one likes being lied to. He’ll be known as the school jerk for the rest of the year. Number two, if it seems that we were too mean, we can tell the gossipy girls that the pictures and videos were from many years ago, and post updated videos of Matt shredding it on the back bowls. Plan?”
Heather enthusiastically nodding her head, exclaimed,”Wicked plan. This will be so much fun!” As quietly as she could, Heather ran into Matt’s room and grabbed the camera. My heart started pounding, OMG, if Matt comes in, we will be dead. He’ll definitely ask why we need the camera. As I remembered that Matt was at his friend’s house to celebrate Christmas early, my heartbeat stopped rushing, and I started to calm down.
Stealthy as spies (at least I hoped), she snuck out of Matt’s room and went on our computer. We uploaded the pictures from our camera to our MacBook. I logged into Facebook, and posted the best video. Then I logged into our skiing Instagram, and posted a bunch of photos. We made sure to use our anonymous account so Matt wouldn’t know it was us that posted. Even if he found out, we had created a cover story. We would tell him that we just posted them to let other people see how good of a skier he was. Matt had such a big ego, we were sure he would be pleased that we thought he was good.
The next day at school, Heather and I stood at our locker, spinning the lock. We watched as Matt walked through the green and yellow Laurelwood High front gate, greeting his friends. For the first time, we watched Matt being snubbed by his friends. “I can not believe you lied to us.  All those times you told us you couldn’t go somewhere because of a skiing competition, you were just lying. You are such a jerk. You are such a freaking loser. Please never talk to us again, liar, ”I heard his friends say. As Matt processed what his best friends just complained to him about, a hurt look begun to appear on his face.
He asked them, confused, “Wait, what did I do? I would never lie to you. Why would I?” As his friends turned around and stalked away, Matt gazed at their backs, silently questioning what must have happened. As I snuck peeks out of the side of my eye, I saw one of his friends, Aiden, walk up to Matt. I heard Matt ask Aiden, “What happened, why is everyone so mad?”
“Well, you only lied to everyone that you were a good skier. On Instagram and Facebook someone posted a bunch of photos and videos of you eating dust on the bunny hill, and a picture of you unable to put your skis on,” Aiden said.
As what he was saying began to dawn on Matt, Matt began to say, “So now everybody thinks I lied to them...”
“Yeah, basically. Well, I’ve got to go, homeroom is going to start soon,” Steven told Matt, beginning to walk away.
Matt muttered to himself as he walked to homeroom, “Great, so someone pulls a prank on me, and now I’m the school jerk. I haven’t been on the bunny hill for three years. Who would do this to me? I hate this, my friends ditched me, and everyone thinks I am a liar and a jerk. I can’t believe this, whoever did this is going to be dead. The only person I know who could access the videos is Madison, but I doubt she’s even smart enough to think of this plan, or find the videos.”
As I heard Matt mutter those words, I started to fume. Great, Matt still finds a way to insult me. I was feeling sorry for him, but apparently he’s still a jerk. I have no regret, Matt obviously deserves it.

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