It's Gone | Teen Ink

It's Gone

December 9, 2015
By Anonymous

“Dave! Dave! You need to wake up.  Dave! He’s coming.” The general coming down the row in the daylight his age is visible.  He reaches the edge of Dave’s bed and smacks his foot.
“Honey, wake up, honey. Am I interrupting your beauty sleep?” Dave and the general play this game every morning. Although it’s fun and games for Dave, it’s a constant annoyance for the general.
For Dave, the only time of day he is truly happy is when he’s dreaming. He tries to hold on to as much of this time as he can. The only time he feels like a child is when he is sleeping. Dave hasn’t had a normal childhood since he was 9. Today, childhood stops at 10. Ever since the war started, they continue to lower the age, although some are adjusting, Dave isn’t one of them.
Caleb tries to watch out for Dave as much as he can. Dave starts to get out of his bed and the general pushes him to the ground. “If you don’t get your act together I’m gonna send you to GPDC.” The thought of going to GPDC is the only thing keeping everyone in line. William was sent to the Gorilla Palace Detention Center and we haven't heard from him, that was two years ago.
Dave whispers ,crouched next to the wall trying to get Caleb’s attention. “ Let’s go, please take me out, let’s go.
We can’t go now Dave, I’ll take you tomorrow. When it’s not as crowded. Sneaking out now would be a suicide mission” The highlight of Dave’s day is when Caleb helps him sneak him out. The kids had lost count of the years, but it had been 10 years since the war started. Dave joined a year ago, Caleb has been in for three years. When boys turn 10 they are put into boot camp for 4 years. When they turn 14, they are drafted in the Army. The war has drained them of their resources and people.
The following day like Caleb promised he would take Dave out. They used the moonlight to find their way out of the cabins. The general came around and the kids ducked behind the bathrooms. They held their breath, it was dark enough for the general not to see them ,but light enough for the kids to see. His shadow engulfed the kids, causing them to squirm. He stood for a while making a lasting impression in the soft earth. He went on his way. The kids exhaled, they scurried around the bathroom and were able to escape through their normal exit. They spent the night floundering around in the grass and admiring the stars that they previously took for granted. Although life wasn’t the best most of the time, this time spent in the fields brought the boys back to the better days of their childhood.

The author's comments:

This is a short story about a alternative society where 10 year olds are drafted into the Army.

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