How I Got Over My Fear of Roller Coasters | Teen Ink

How I Got Over My Fear of Roller Coasters

December 9, 2015
By Anonymous

Timmy’s family had gone to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom on November 14 because it was a Saturday so Timmy and his sister had no school and his parents didn’t have to go work in addition, there was a $25 off a one day ticket that day. Timmy and his sister were very excited to go to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom because the rides at Six Flags seemed very exciting and fun according to their friends and the website.
“Tickets for 2 adults and 2 children.” said Timmy’s dad as he was getting their tickets for Timmy, his sister, his mom, and his dad.
“That will be $160” The ticket manager said.
Timmy’s dad payed their cost and they walked into the fun and exciting amusement park. Timmy and his sister walked into the amusement park full of excitement. They went to the map area and got a map so they wouldn’t get lost at Six Flags. Timmy didn’t want to go ride the water rides with his sister and his dad so he went with his mom to the other enjoyable rides. With his mom, Timmy had lots of fun riding the small, controlled , and slow boat ride. Timmy also enjoyed riding the Thunder Road Speedway Go-Karts. Timmy didn’t like roller coasters although he never rode on one. Timmy was acrophobic, scared of heights which is why he didn’t want to want to ride the roller coaster. He was acrophobic because of one of his experience with high places. When he was a seven years old, he was climbing a tree when he fell of and broke his arm. Now, hoping that Timmy had forgotten about the experience, his mom wanted him to experience one so she looked for one and decided on Road Runner Express. Timmy argued with his mom,
“I don’t want to ride the roller coaster!”
Timmy’s mom said,
“It’s ok, the roller coaster is very small, it doesn’t even go high up.... The most it goes up is about 11 feet.” 
After a long series of arguments, Timmy’s mom finally got Timmy to agree to go on the Road Runner Express. Timmy got in line for Road Runner Express with his mom and waited for their turn. As they got closer to the beginning of the line, Timmy got scared and anxious. He finally he reached the beginning of the line and got really scared to ride the roller coaster. As he got into the cart with the other riders, he doubted his decision of trying the roller coaster. He got onto the roller coaster and it started. The roller coaster went very fast even since it didn’t have to go up to high and it was going in very small circles. On the first lap, Timmy got really scared and during that last two laps of the ride, he enjoyed it.  He realised how much fun roller coasters were and overcame his fear of roller coasters. The roller coaster went at a quick speed and there were really loud noises.
When the ride ended, he told his mom,
“That was fun!”
Timmy’s mom replied with,
“Nice to hear that you enjoyed that, now do you think you can ride one of those big roller coasters that your sister likes?”
Timmy wasn’t very sure if he could ride on one of the big and fast roller coasters so he mumbled,
Timmy went to one of the longer lined roller coasters and went to other childish rides too. He went to the Egyptian roller coaster, Cobra and had an amazing time. Cobra wasn’t scary because he was too happy to know what was actually going on. He was too happy to care.  He rode more rides  it wasn’t the ride that took long, it was the fact that so many people wanted to ride it, that he had to wait.  As the day ended, Timmy was happy that he had overcome his fear of  roller coasters and that he now enjoyed roller coaster.  Timmy and his family met together in the map area of the park. As they were leaving, Timmy’s dad asked him,
“How was your day today Timmy?”
Timmy responded by telling him how he got over his fear of roller coasters. They got in the car and drove home as the sky got darker and the moon came up.

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