The Mistake | Teen Ink

The Mistake

December 12, 2015
By hoshadow BRONZE, Cupertino, California
hoshadow BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Aaron? Time for breakfast!” Mom yelled at me.
I raced down the stairs, and into the room. “Moonlit Summit just opened 5 new trails!!!” I screamed, as I ran down the stairs.
“Really?” Mom asked. “How about I take you there with Eric?”
Eric was my best friend. We had been best friends ever since we could walk. Our parents were friends at college, and our first skiing experience had been together. Ever since, I had always skied with him. “ Sure.” I replied, “We can go tomorrow. It’s a Saturday, so no school.”
I stuffed my bread into my mouth, and grabbed my backpack next to the door. “Bye Mom!” I yelled, as I ran out the door to school.
“Yo Eric!”
“Hey Aaron!” Eric replied, as he turned around.
“You know that Moonlit Summit just opened 5 new backcountry trails? My mom can take us there tomorrow morning!”
“YES!!! I’ll call my mom right now.” He whipped out his phone, and called his mom stepping away.
A few seconds later, he returned, and said, “Yeah! I can go!”
Just then, the bell rang, and we had to run to our class, so we wouldn’t be late. All through school, I couldn’t get his mind off the 5 new trails at Moonlit Summit Ski Resort. Eric couldn’t concentrate during math, and Mr. Hendrix had to tell him to stop daydreaming 2 times.
After the long classes, the bell finally rang dismissing them from school. The two friends sprinted home to start packing and getting ready for the trip. Aaron went to sleep feeling very excited, because he can go skiing the next day.
Very early the next day, Aaron got got out of bed, and started to load his skiing equipment onto his mom’s car. He ate some quick breakfast, then he was ready to go. His mom stopped at Eric’s house, to pick him up. Erick ran out of his house with all his equipment excitedly. He jumped into the car, and they were off on their way to Moonlit Summit.
After the 4 hour drive to the ski resort, Aaron’s mom dropped them off in front of the lodge. “Make sure you stay on trail guys. You guys have money for lunch?” She asked, and the kids nodded. “I’ll be back here at 9:00pm. Stay safe!” Aaron’s mom turned on the car engine, and drove off.
“Let’s go Eric!” I said, and we were off, and we sped down the slopes as fast as a bullet. I had the lead but Eric was catching up. As I reached the bottom,  I skid to a stop, but Eric was going to fast and fell flat on his face.
“Ha!” I yelled, “ I beat you everytime we go down the slopes. Now that we are warmed up, why don’t we try one of the new backcountry trails?”
“ Yeah! Sure!”
We headed to the new lifts, but found out, that there was a big red sign in front of the lift. It said, “DANGER!!! AVALANCHE TERRITORY! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!” So, we decided to take the risk. We got on the lift, and waited to get to the top. When we got to the top, there was blankets of snow, which looked as soft as a pillow. So, we started skiing down.
The beginning was tough. There was super steep slopes, and powdery snow. Right when we stopped to take a break, we heard a sound. “WHUMP!” It sounded like snow sliding downhill super fast. We turned around, and saw huge amounts of snow sliding towards us at light speed.
“AVALANCHE!!! RUN!!!” I shouted, and we skied over to the side in the trees at breakneck speed. We kept on going further away from the avalanche, until we were safe. But, we were lost.
“Eric? You okay?” I asked.
“Yeah. I’m fine, just tired.”
“Where are we?”
“I don’t know. At least we are safe.” Eric replied.
Since it was almost dark, we decided to spend the night there. We built like a big cave that we could sleep in. Luckily, I had brought energy bars, so we weren't that hungry.
“This is all my fault.” I said. “If I didn’t want to go skiing, this all wouldn’t have happened. We wouldn’t have been here.”
“It’s fine Aaron.” Eric replied. “This is way more interesting than my life. If I wasn’t here, I would be home doing stupid homework.”
“Thanks. Let’s go to sleep, and search for the lodge tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night.”
My mom would be freaking out right now standing at the bottom of the slope, wondering where we were. Maybe she will call a helicopter to come search for us. We just have to survive for a little while. My thoughts started to be replaced with how tired I am. After a while, Eric and I were fast asleep. The next day, when Aaron woke up, Eric was shivering all over. “I feel cold…” he mumbled, barely audible. He was freezing, and could barely stand.
“You have hypothermia!!!” I yelled in shock. I had recognized these symptoms from my classes at school. The victim will start to shiver uncontrollably. This is bad, I thought, how are we supposed to get back with him like this? I guess I have to carry him. “Come on Eric. I’ll carry you for a while why you rest. I took off my ski jacket, and put it on his shoulders.
I started to piggybacking him forward. The beginning was hard work. Eric weighed a ton. With each step, my boots sunk into the snow, which made the walking a lot harder. I also had to carry the skies. When Eric’s condition improves a little so that he could ski, we can ski down the mountain and hopefully find the lodge.
A faint sound could be heard in the distance. “WHOP WHOP WHOP.” It sounded like blades chopping the air. It must be a helicopter! Though the tall trees that surrounded me, I could make out a black helicopter.
“Hurry Eric! There’s a helicopter! We need to get it’s attention fast!” We started to scream, and try to get the helicopter’s attention. It started to pass by us. “Scream louder Eric!” and we continued to scream.
Suddenly, the helicopter started to turn around. It had heard us! We were saved!!! “Quick Eric! Let’s gather our stuff, and wait for the helicopter to land.” We quickly grabbed all our equipment, and covered our ears.
“You guys are safe!!!” Mom screamed, as she ran out of the helicopter. She ran to us, and hugged us.
“Hi guys. My name is Mr. Davis. I am the pilot of this helicopter. Come on in, and I’ll take you back to the lodge.
“Thanks for rescuing us!” Eric and I said at the same time. We were finally saved!!! We can finally go home!!!
It was a long journey back. I was surprised that we had skied this far from the lodge. If the helicopter didn’t come, we would have never been able to make it back to the lodge. After 30 minutes, they got back to the lodge of Moonlit Summit.
We got back into the car, my mom drove us back home. After the drive, we finally arrived home.
“Where were you?” My dad asked. “We were so worried about you. You guys should have stayed on trail, and not go to avalanche territory. Look at Eric, this is what happens if you go off trail. So promise me this. Never go off trail and go in avalanche territory ever again.”
“Okay. We promise.” the two of us promised.
From that day onward, the two friends never broke their promise. On that day, they had learned their lesson: never to go into avalanche territory, and never go off trail. If they did, things would turn out the way they did: them getting lost.

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