LIFE Is LIFE on a dangerous journey | Teen Ink

LIFE Is LIFE on a dangerous journey

December 15, 2015
By Anonymous


Life is a short amount of time. Live how you want, YOLO is my motto. I live each day to the fullest. I don’t know when I’m a go, but everyday is a challenge. Trying to make it home safe leaving the school at six, walking by myself. Looking out for my surroundings, on the bright side if I make it home safe, I have the same challenge the next day. Now and days, people got to walk around with some type of weapon, except me. I can protect myself with the power of God by my side. My mom and dad always worried about me. Why I do this, why I do that, but it’s life. Nobody’s perfect. I’m only human everybody makes mistakes. But when my say come I will be okay it will be all over. Life is like a roller coaster that don’t end until your life is. When I see people walking around in the dark, might be in the news in the morning. Coming outside seeing blood pouring from the bullet hole in their head, because some idiot though it will be okay to do what they did. Life is a scary movie that you can’t escape. Everybody just try to be safe. LIFE IS LIFE    

The author's comments:

This tells you that everybody is not in a fairy tell. Life is scary, but we got to face it

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