Sophia's Ex-Bestfriends | Teen Ink

Sophia's Ex-Bestfriends

December 17, 2015
By elena.k BRONZE, San Jose, California
elena.k BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sophia and her friends were insperable and were friends since they were babies. Rumors start to spread about Sophia's Bestfriends and everyone thinks Sophia spread them. Her "friends" started saying mean things and nasty words were thrown. Read more to see what happens to Sophia. 

Chapter 1: Sophia's Story

“Can you stop being so mean and accusing me for things I didn’t do!” exclaimed Sophia.
          “Well look at yourself! You are always being mean to us and blabbing things to other people” screamed Annalee.
    Sophia started getting angrier by the second and all she could see was red. She looked up at the sky to calm herself.  Everything was going in slow motion and her mind went blank.
“Cat got your tongue?” said Jasmine with so much hatred it made Sophia flinch.
Sophia’s  face held multiple emotions, but mostly rage and hurt. They all thought that Sophia betrayed them. All of the girls started throwing out mean names, rude comments, and Annalee was on the verge of slapping Sophia.  Sophia immediately left because she had enough with their lies.  She couldn’t handle that her best friends since kindergarten thought that she spread rumors about them.
“How dare they think that I spread stupid rumors about them!” Sophia said to herself.  Sophia thought about how much memories she had with her friends and she wasn’t ready to let that go. She sprinted out of the bathroom and looked everywhere for them.
She went back to the their lunch spot to apologize, but they weren’t there. Sophia looked high and low for them and ended up spotting them with the “popular kids”. Annalee looked like she didn’t just lose a best friend and the other girls were also happy. Sophia decided to go up to them and tell them that she still wants to be best friends with them.
“Hey guys!” called out Sophia, but none of them even turned their heads until one of the popular kids pointed at her. They didn’t even wave or smile. Right when Sophia headed towards them they left to find another spot.
“Wait I came here to apologize!” Sophia shouted.  Her best friends and the popular kids just ignored her shout and kept going. Sophia thought they were fighting like cats and dogs. She still couldn’t process that they just left her for popular kids that they used to despise.
  Ding Ding Ding
The bell brought Sophia out of her train of thought and she headed to class with her head hung low. Throughout her class periods her best friends ignored her and all Sophia has done was look at the popular kids with envy. She wanted to be the friend that laughs with Annalee , jokes with Jasmine, and smiled with the others. 
Days have passed since the huge fight all the best friends got into and Jasmine felt something missing every time she ditched Sophia. They made everyone one in the school hate Sophia and anyone who dared to be friends with her would go down in the social pyramid. Some teachers even noticed, but were to busy to remember about Sophia. Others have been staying clear of her and befriending Annalee’s new group instead of Sophia.           
The next day,  “Mom please can I not go to school today?” questioned Sophia
“For god sakes, Sophia no,” said Sophia’s mother. She was already pulling up to the gates of the school and unlocking the car door.
“Fine whatever.” Right when Sophia stepped out in the winter air everyone looked at her with hatred. She never felt as much as an outsider like she did now.  Sophia knew that her “friends” made everyone loathe her and make her feel uncomfortable here at her own school.  She could hear the cruel whispers and the way the teachers gave her a sympathetic look every time she passed their class.
Sophia arrived at her first period class, science, the teacher started explaining the cell theory.  She quietly walked to her desk and tried to pay attention, but failed miserably.  After, all the things that have been happening she has been behind everyone and hasn’t been on her A game. Sophia instantly stopped doodling in her science journal when the bell started ringing.
“Sophia may you please come here,” uttered Ms. Lin.
“Ms.Lin my next class sta-.”
“I know, but this will only take a minute.”
“ You have been drastically failing my class and I think it’s time to talk about this with your parents,” Ms. Lin said slowly.
“I’ll try to do better it’s just a lot has been happening,” Sophia truthfully said.
“ Okay, but if you ever need an adult to talk to I’m always here,” smiled Ms.Lin.
“Thank you,” Sophia said in quiet tone.
Weeks, later Sophia was still gloomy but she was slowly getting better as the time passed. She made a handful of friends and she barely thought about Annalee’s group and what they did. Sophia always thought about how she could bring back the cheery Sophia. Even her mother has noticed and even offered to pay a therapist to come over. Sophia managed to connect with others and ignore Annalee’s group as much as possible.
“Hey Sophia,” said Eva. Sophia smiled and they exchanged hellos. Eva was one of the people who helped Sophia out of her sad state.
“ Wanna get lunch?” Sophia asked.
“Of course!” smiled Eva. Sophia thought about how a new start wouldn’t be a bad thing and she should forget about what happened and start fresh. Both Sophia and Eva walked together to the lunch line with bright smiles and positive thoughts.

The author's comments:

I hope people stop bullying people when they didn't do anything at all. Bullying people should stop overall. 

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