Rubatosis | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

“I can’t believe how great he looks.” she thought in her head as she saw her soon to be husband standing in awe at the end of the aisle. Her palms were sweaty, and she was holding on to her dad’s arm a little too tight as ten years of memories flooded her thoughts.

“I can’t believe i’m about to marry the love of my life.”, said the groom to be feeling as if he was the luckiest guy alive. With a wide newly whitened smile and wide eyes he stood ten years of memories from high school to college to now flooding through his head.

“I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up, starting a family of her own,”, twenty five years of memories of his baby girl flooded his thoughts. He didn’t care she was holding his arm so tight.

“I can’t believe she is all grown up. My baby girl, our baby girl, she sure does make a beautiful bride.”, says a very proud mother, wiping a tear from her cheek with a tissue she used a couple hours earlier to make the final touches on her daugthers make up.

The mom, dad, bride, and groom all stood with their hearts beating but only they could hear. Nervous, anxious, proud, ecstatic, soon to be wed, and watching their baby girl go into a family of her own. “I can’t believe how great he looks.” she thought in her head as she saw her soon to be husband standing in awe at the end of the aisle. Her palms were sweaty, and she was holding on to her dad’s arm a little too tight as ten years of memories flooded her thoughts.

“I can’t believe i’m about to marry the love of my life.”, said the groom to be feeling as if he was the luckiest guy alive. With a wide newly whitened smile and wide eyes he stood ten years of memories from high school to college to now flooding through his head.

“I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up, starting a family of her own,”, twenty five years of memories of his baby girl flooded his thoughts. He didn’t care she was holding his arm so tight.

“I can’t believe she is all grown up. My baby girl, our baby girl, she sure does make a beautiful bride.”, says a very proud mother, wiping a tear from her cheek with a tissue she used a couple hours earlier to make the final touches on her daugthers make up.

The mom, dad, bride, and groom all stood with their hearts beating but only they could hear. Nervous, anxious, proud, ecstatic, soon to be wed, and watching their baby girl go into a family of her own. 

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by 25 emotions you feel but cannot explain.

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