Moving | Teen Ink


December 21, 2015
By 21brodskyr BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
21brodskyr BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lexie and I hop on my coach. She looks at me and frowns.

“What’s wrong?” I say.
“I’m moving….” Lexie mumbles.
“Moving? What,” I freeze, blush, my eyes grow wide.
I can’t tell if she is being serious.
“I’m moving to Illinois, today, at 2:00.. My family isn’t going, just me, to a boarding school,” she says.
“But you, you, but, you,” I can’t get the words out.
“Don’t be mad. It was my choice, not my parents,” she says.
“How could you not tell me sooner?” I say while starting to cry.
“I’m sorry! I really am, but I couldn’t bring myself to telling you. I knew you would be upset and I didn’t want you to be mad that it was my choice,” she says.
“Get out of my house! Before I yell,” I say in a harsh tone.
“Jess I’m sorry it’s not my fault! I didn’t want it to ruin our time together and have you  counting down the days until I left---” she tries to explain but I interrupt.
“GET OUT!” I yell.
She slumps out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door. I let her go on. Not even thinking about stopping her.
It’s 2:00 now. Her plane is taking off. She is really moving. I can’t believe she would do this to me and just leave. Not to mention she told me an hour before she left, but it was my last time seeing her. What have I done? I thought. I text her:


Lexie!! I’m so sorry that I didn’t even say bye to u, I am such a bad friend, I was just really mad that ur leaving me, please don’t hate me! I still love you! I’m sorry, I let my feelings get the best of me, please forgive me.

She responds:
Jess you didn’t even say bye to me, how could you? Because I care about you so much, I didn’t tell you, then you yelled at me and let me walk away. That’s not the same Jess that I became best friends with years ago..

“Why did I do this?” I mumble to myself.
I run upstairs to my room and grab all my cash.
I hop in the car and drive as fast as I can to the airport.
I get there. I run to the counter and buy a ticket for a direct flight to Illinois, so that I can find her.
Here I go, I thought.

I wake up and feel the plane scraping against the runway. Once the plane stops, I run through the airport to the exit door. I hop in a cab and tell the driver to go to Oberland Boarding School.
Once I arrive at the school I give the driver the little money I had left.
After walking around campus for hours all I’ve seen is kids talking and going about their days. It was at that moment, I thought I saw Lexie! I run over and give her a hug. She turns around, but it wasn’t her. The girl gives me a dirty look and walks away. I frown, I’ll never find her, I thought. I buy a magazine from the newsrack on campus because I wasn’t sure what to do now. I sit down on the bench outside the dorm building and skim through the magazine.
Once I finish the magazine I look up and watch the people for a bit. They were kind to one another. No wonder Lexie wanted to come here instead of staying with me. I failed to be a good friend to one of the only people I care about, I thought.
I start to cry a little.
As I sit there a girl comes up behind me and slowly taps me on the shoulder.
“Lexie?!!” I say and jump up from the bench.
“Hi” she says and gives me a small smirk. “You came for me,”
“I couldn’t let my best friend get a way so easily,” I say and chuckle.
Tears start to drizzle down our faces and we look at each other. We throw ourselves into each other arms.
“Lexie, I can’t even begin to explain how sorry I am--” I try to say but she cuts me off.
“I forgive you,” she says.
I smile.
“You deserve to be in a great place like this. I hope you enjoy yourself here,” I say.
“Jess, I am sorry I’m leaving you--” she tries to explain but I stop her.
“Bye,” I say and smile.
I turn around and walk away. I walk to the closest bus stop and hop on the next bus. I ride back home and smile the whole way because I know that I will see her again.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because two years ago my best friend moved away. Her name was extremely similar to Lexie's. I was really upset that she was moving and she told me about 2 weeks before the move. She didn't tell me because she didn't want to ruin our time together. I wanted to fly out to her like Jess did to Lexie but I couldn't afford that. So, this story was writen about what I wanted to do after my best friend left. This story really touches my heart because the whole plot means A LOT to me.

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