The christmas break-in! | Teen Ink

The christmas break-in!

December 17, 2015
By Anonymous

One cold and crisp Christmas eve, me and my beloved little brother Cyler were laying in bunk beds.
“I’m bored.” said Cyler as he laid in his bed.
“Be quiet! You don’t want Mom and Dad to hear you, do you?” replied Kenny.
“Can we please go down now?” asked Cyler.
“It’s too risky! What if Mom and Dad see us?”
“Please?  It’s too boring up here.”
“Fine.  But you owe me.”
Cyler jumped off his bed in excitement, as Kenny climbed down the ladder. 
“Be quiet.  They can’t hear us, otherwise we can’t do this anymore.”
Cyler nodded his head.  They tiptoed out their room, past their parent’s bedroom, and down the stairs.
“Phew!”  Kenny whispered after they safely made it down the stairs.
“Hurry!  It’s almost midnight!” Cyler whispered in his big brother’s ear.
“I know! Calm down!”
They climbed under the kitchen table about 20 feet away from the christmas tree, and waited.
20 minutes later, Cyler said, “This is boring!”
“Hey! I wasn’t the one who wanted to do this!” Kenny said.
“Fine.” Cyler begrudgingly groaned.
They heard the front door click open.
“He’s here!”  Cyler whispered.
“Shh! He can’t know we’re here!”  Wait until he comes close to the trap, and then we can get him.
Cyler was so excited that he was shaking.
The man turned the corner, and Cyler and Kenny were very confused.
“That isn’t Santa!”  Cyler whispered.”
Kenny knew what was happening.
“Shut up!” He whispered, and covered his little brother’s mouth with his hand.
The man had a gun on his side, and was stuffing their mom’s laptop in a sack.  Kenny knew he could either run and maybe make it, or try and stop the man.
Kenny grabbed the rolling pin from the table where they had made the milk and cookies on.
“On three, I need you to run right to mom’s phone, and call the number ‘911’.  Got it? ‘911’.”  Cyler nodded.
“One…”  Kenny was in a crouching position so he could sprint out.
“Two…” Cyler was eying the phone, and looking for the fastest way to get to it.
“Three!”  They rushed out, and caught the man by surprise.  He tried to pull out his gun, but Kenny smashed the side of his head with the rolling pin and he went ragdoll.
‘Wow, that went by pretty fast’, Kenny thought, when it was all over. Cyler was finished dialing, and the intruder had been knocked out by Kenny.
They fistbumped, and Kenny grabbed the man’s gun, and locked him in the basement.
Twenty minutes later, the police arrived and arrested the man.   They later learned that he was a well known robber, and wanted for 10 different robberies.  He got sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. Kenny and Cyler were hailed as heroes, and given the 2016 nobel peace prize.
“I’m very proud of you” Beamed the police chief.  “The world could use more brave men like you.”
After shaking the president’s hand, Kenny and Cyler walked back to their parents who were smiling and crying tears of joy.
Kenny and Cyler were very happy, and their parents were very proud.

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