A Man's Succsess | Teen Ink

A Man's Succsess

December 11, 2015
By CMZwanted BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
CMZwanted BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This story is about Andrew, he is a person who struggles with success. He lives in a small town in Denver. He struggles with success because of his situation, he lives in a small 2 bedroom apartment with 5 other people. Andrew got kicked out of his parents house and had to find another place to stay. luckily he knew good hearted people that let him stay with them. The people he lived with didn't have a car and lived a about 10 miles from his school. His attendance was a big issue for him to do well in school, he was late when he couldn't be on time.

After a few months living with his friends he bought a car, got new shoes,clothes and had everything he needed. Andrew was doing good in school, was on time every day and was happy. 6 months after he bought his car his engine blew, someone stole his valuables from his bin where had kept all his things, his cloths started disappearing as if someone kept taking them. Andrew didn't know what to do. It was frustrating for  him he couldn't take it anymore, he was about to give up on everything, school, his friend’s, future. He knew no one in the house was taking his stuff because they all knew each other very well. Andrew started to fell behind in school again from A’s to D’s. struggling with his grades and his living situation he didn't know what to do. he knew sitting around and doing nothing wouldn't help. His family wouldn't help him because of their own selfish reasons. He was tired of everything. He remembered what his brother said to him when he was a kid “people are selfish, if you ever want to do anything in life you have to do it yourself. Do not depend on anyone ever because if you do they will always fail”.

Andrew had to do something quick to get another car, and a place to stay, he knew if he didn't get a car soon he wouldn't be able to countie school. As soon as he turned 16 he got a job working as many hours as he could. but his job wasn't paying enough. He had to do think of something to make some extra money. He knew that his brother sez always had money but no job. He asked him what he could do to make money. Andrew’s brother showed him what he did and Andrew saw the opportunity of what he was going to do with it. A few months have passed, Andrew and his brother are quite successful in their method’s. The two brother had a very close bond with each other, they always helped each other whenever they needed it. Andrew now has a car, and all the things that he needs to get his grades back up. Andrew had matured so much 16 that when others at the age of 30 were surprised how much he went through. He graduated on time and went of to college for auto mechanics and got all his certificates to get a incredible job, making around 80k a year. at the age of 19 Andrew had it all, a house,car,job, and everything he ever wanted. he laughed at his family who struggled with bills. he wanted to see the suffering that he felt for years. Even as a child he suffered wondering where he was going to stay, what he was going to eat. Andrew suffered jumping house with his mother for years, the most he ever had a place he could call his home was for 8 months. He watched his selfish family struggle for a while, he did not tell them how successful he had become yet. Showing up to holiday events with his brand new car they were amazed and wondered how he attained such a expensive car. Deep down it felt good for him to see them struggle. He came to his grandma's house who had treated him horribly as a child and left an envelope with five thousand dollars in it and left. He did the same with his aunt, She was the type of person that helped people but expected everything in return. Inside he left a note “Thank you for helping me, when i needed you you were nowhere to be found, you are selfish and a person who does everything with the intent to be repaid in any way shape or form. But unlike you i will help you because you need it and i do it out of the kindness of my heart”. No one knows where Andrew went after he disappeared for a while, he still kept in contact with his family. To everyone they thought they knew him. They never knew what he went through. The real Andrew was a mystery.

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