The Adventure of Timmy | Teen Ink

The Adventure of Timmy

December 16, 2015
By 123makayla BRONZE, Banning Ca, California
123makayla BRONZE, Banning Ca, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 5 days until Christmas.Little timmy was extremely excited to make cookies and make hot cocoa for Santa. Little timmy was in a foster care and none of the boys and girls wanted to be around him because they thought he was so weird because Timmy loved Christmas.Every 5 days before Christmas the young woman Ms.Dawn  who took care of timmy would give all the kids in the orphanage  candy canes. All the kids hated the candy canes!They threw them on the ground and smashed them. Some of the kids would take timmy’s candy canes and throw them outside and watch it get hit by the cars driving by. So this year timmy did not want that happen so therefore; he hid his candy canes under his pillow.

Then sally,the meanest orphan, there told Little timmy that if he didn’t give her his candy canes she would kill his cat. Little timmy was horrified and was literally about to cry. He told Ms.dawn about what sally told him and Ms. dawn didn’t even care about his named Milo. So after that, he smelled cookies and ran down to the kitchen. As he was running down the stairs he saw a red a white thing running down the hallway. Little timmy was running after the red and white thing. He finally, noticed it was a huge candy cane with feet!

Then, he followed the candy cane into a portal that lead him to the North Pole, where candy canes are made. Little Timmy was so amazed and so happy that he shouted with joy. All the sudden he heard…. “Timmy,Timmy,Timmy!!!!” faintly in the distance. Then he suddenly woke up in terror because he thought sally stole his candy canes but it was Ms.dawn. Ms.dawn was at his bed and he realized that  it was all a dream.He hugs ms.dawn and she  begins to turn blue and green and room starts spinning. Little timmy didn’t know what was going  he started to  jump and twist like a tornado.Ms.dawn was acting like nothing was happening? All the kids ran into timmy’s room and were screaming because Ms. dawn had put a spell on the candy canes. The first stage of the candy cane spell was hallucinations the second stage was the tornado and the final stage was death!! The kids began to cry because they were trying to protect timmy from the candy canes that’s why they threw them outside and into the street. Timmy died later on that evening and the kids were screaming and crying because everyone loved timmy but timmy never knew. Sally had a crush on timmy and she couldn’t bare to go to his funeral so she went to the orphanage and got a bat hit Ms.dawn until she died. Sally was crying and crying because she thought that she was going to jail because she killed Ms.dawn.

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