Unlucky | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By AXR25 BRONZE, Stockton, California
AXR25 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jonny wakes up and put on his shorts, walks to the bathroom, and gets his toothbrush.

“Aww man, I'm all out of toothpaste. Mom do you have any toothpaste?!”.

“Yes, there is some behind the mirror, put it back once you are done.” she replies.

So he continues brushing his teeth and as soon as he is done, he walks into the kitchen.

“What's for breakfast mom?” he asks politely.
“Pancakes and bacon, your favorite, you better hurry up and eat before it gets cold.”

“Okay.” he says.  

So he, his brother Chris, and his parents begin to eat. He is the first one to finish so he asks,

“mom, dad, my friend invited me to a party that he is throwing tonight, may I go?”

His mom replies, “ is there going to be anyone over eighteen there?”

“His brother is seventeen and a half.” Jonny replies nervously.

“Then of course not, it is to dangerous.” his dad replies.

“C’mon, it's not like there's going to be alcohol or anything, it's just a small party.”

“No means no!”  Jonny’s dad yells.
“Oh my gosh! you guys never let me do anything!” he yells as he walks back to his room and slams the door. Later, he calls his friend Jacob, the one who threw the party, and says

“Sorry bro, my parents are being messed up, they aren't letting me go.”

“Aww that's a bummer. Hey, I got an idea, just sneak out when they are asleep.” Jacob says.
“I don't know man. I get caught then my parents will ground me forever,” Jonny says.
“Just do it, wait until they're asleep and sneak out the back door. Then it will be like nothing ever happened.” Jacob replies.

“Fine, I'll do it, but if I get caught then it's your fault!” he says.
“Yes! that's more like it, see you at ten.” Jacob says happily.

So Jonny waits until his parents are asleep and sneaks out the back door. He called Jacob and said he was on his way.
“Good thing he only lives three blocks away.” Jonny says to himself.
Jonny is almost at Jacob's house and begins to walk a little faster because he is very cold. Then, he runs into a group of guys that keep staring at him. He tries to ignore them and keeps walking.

  “You don't belong here.” One of them says.
“I'm just on my way to my friends house.” Jonny replies frightened.
“Which gang are you part of?” one of the gang members say.
“I’m not in one, im just trying to get to a friends house.” says Jonny
“Yeah yeah, that's what they all say,”  one of them says as he pulls out a knife.
“No, i'm not in a gang I swear. Please don’t hurt me!” yells Jonny as he is ready to run.

“Look kid, we could either have this the easy way or the hard way.” they say as they walk closer to Jonny.

Jonny begins to run as soon as they take a step closer. The guys get in the car and chase after him he looks back and sees them in the car chasing after him, he runs and runs until he can't anymore. They caught up to hmim and got out of the car. One of them hit him on the back of the head with a metal stick. He was knocked out, while he was asleep, They tied him up in a char,  and as soon as he woke up they asked him one more time, “What gang are you part of ?!”

“I already told you, I'm not part of one!?” Jonny cries.

Before Jonny says anything else, one of the guys pulls out a knife and stabs him right on the ribs. As soon as he felt the knife inside him, he passed out. The same thing happened 11 times. Finally, one of the guys said to let him go. So they threw him in an alley. He was passed out, blood was dripping from his stomach and ribs but no one was around to save him. He knew he wasn't going to make it. Someone was walking by and seen Jonny on the floor bleeding.

His mom went to check up on him so she went to his room. She immediately noticed he wasn't there.
“Honey, Jonny isn't in his room!”
“Check in the kitchen or the living room, he might be in there.” Mark replies.
She went to go check and he wasn't in there.
“He is not there.” she says frightened.
“He's probably at the party Jacob threw, let's go check.” says Mark.
“ Alright, go get the keys.”
They were on there way to Jacob's house when Jonny’s mom noticed someone lying on the floor in the middle of the street.
“Honey, stop right here, I think I see someone lying on the floor.”
Jonny’s dad stops the car and they both go up to the person. The mom looked at the face and seen that it was her son, Jonny.
“Oh my god! it’s Jonny!” she yells. The dad was shocked, he seen that there was blood coming out of Jonny’s ribs. He checks Jonny's pulse.
“Dont worry honey, hes alive, hes just injured. Quick, open the car door se we can take him to the hospital.” They were on there way to the hospital and went to the emergency room.
“Here just fill out this paperwork and sign this paper please.” said the doctor.
“I don't have time for this! my son is bleeding out!”
“Let me see him.”
The doctor sees that he is bleeding out and immediately called in a nurse. They checked up on him and cleaned him up. They went to inform Jonny’s parents.
“How is he doctor?!” Mark and Evelyn ask nervously.
“He is fine, he is badly injured but he will survive.”
“Oh thank god, how long will he stay here, at the hospital?” Mark asks.

“Six months, i know it's a long time but he is badly injured and he really needs to rest.” the doctor said.
  Jonny was in the hospital, he had a visitor, but it wasn’t his parents. So one of the nurses lets him into Jonny’s hospital room. He was asleep, the visitor woke him up. As soon as Jonny looked at him, he seen the tattoo under his left eye and immediately recognized him.

   “You were one of the guys that put me where i am now!” Jonny yells.
“Listen, it was all a mis-”
“Help! Somebody help!” Jonny screams.

“Shhhh, listen to me please,” the man says as he covers Jonny’s mouth, “what happened that night was all a misunderstanding. If you keep the cops out of it, ill do anything. How much do you want?”

“How much what?” Jonny says confused and frightened.

“Money, or anything else,” the man replies.
“I don't want anything! now leave me alone, I'm going to call the cops,” Jonny says.

“Listen kid, i told you it was a misunderstanding. If you call them then this won't be the last time you see my face again,” the man says, then leaves the room. Jonny was so scared but he didn't want to call the cops. So instead, he just pretends it never happened.


So Jonny’s parents visited Jonny every other day. On wednesdays, they would bring him pancakes in the morning. So this routine happened over and over for 6 months. Everyday was the same thing.

Finally, Jonny was out of the hospital. He was fine, but he still needed a little more rest. He didn't play sports until a month later because the doctor said he needed rest. So every afternoon he would just sit down and watch TV or play some board games.

“Jonny come here please, Mark and I need to talk to you.” Evelyn said.
“Okay i'll be right there.” he replied.
“Can you tell us EXACTLY what happened that night you snuck out?” asked his dad.
“I don't want to talk about it.” he says.
“You can tell us anything, you can trust us.”
“Alright then.”

So Jonny tells them the whole story and apologizes for not listening to them when they said he can't go to the party. His parents were a little disappointed but they didn't get too mad because they knew he learned his lesson. Jonny was asked a couple of questions and they just talked about for a bit.

From that day forward, his parents were making it easier on him. They let him go out with his friends, go to parties every now and then. He knew that when his parents told him that he couldnt go somewhere, it was for a good reason. The reason why he wasn’t allowed to go to Jacob’s party was not only because there wasn’t anyone over eighteen, but because it was late at night. So now everything is back to normal now. First day of school was the next day and it was already 9:12pm.

“Jonny, get ready to go to bed, bedtime is in ten minutes.” yelled his mom from across the hallway.

“I know, I’m brushing my teeth.”

Jonny set his alarm and fell asleep. The next morning, Jonny ate breakfast and got dropped off at school by his mom. It was just like another school day, nothing new. Finally, the bell rang, Jonny called his mom to pick him up.

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