The Change | Teen Ink

The Change

December 15, 2015
By Real.Trill BRONZE, Stockton, California
Real.Trill BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

February 15, 2005. One normal day in the city of  Stockton, California, there was a teenager named Michael Gonzalez. Michael was going to school with his best friend Julian. We usually took him to school and on their way they would always ask each other.” Hey did you do the homework? and the other one would answer, “Yeah, did you?” They were good kids.

February 20, 2005. One day as they were at lunch, Julian took a pill and Michael said, “ What is that?” and Julian replied ,” Oh it’s because my head hurts.” But Michael didn’t believe him. The next day Julian told him,”Hey you know the pill i took yesterday, you should take one, it makes you feel relaxed.” Michael answered, ”No thank you I don’t do any kinds of drugs.”But then Julian made an offer, “ Instead of me charging you $5 i will give you your very first pill for free.” But once again Michael replied “Like I said I don't do any kind of drugs!”So then Julian invited Michael to a party and Michael said,” Sorry I can’t go but thanks for inviting me.” But then Michael's mom said,” Yeah go and have some fun you're always in your room doing nothing.” So then Michael had to go to the party.

5:00am  When Michael arrived at the party Michael said, “Wow this really looks like fun!”

5:30pm Julian gave a drink to Michael a drink and Michael said, “Thanks Julian”.

6:00pm Michael started feeling a bit weird so he sat laid down at the nearest couch. He had fallen asleep when he woke up he felt weird he say rainbows and unicorns walking and he thought, “Julian would never drug me he's my best friend he wouldn't do that.”

8:00pm he felt dizzy again so he lay down again. When Michael woke up Julian was looking at him. Michael couldn't remember who he was. Julian said, “ Hey Michael it's me Julian , you won't remember who you are until like a 5 minutes it happens to everyone who takes it well unless it's their very first time getting this drug.”

8:05pm he felt as if he was in heaven so relaxed so peaceful nothing to worry about the party was still going. He was feeling sleepy so he took a quick nap.

9:30pm Michael woke up no one was at the party he walked outside and there Julian was inside his car an Aston Martin 2015 his parents bought for him for his 17th birthday.

December 5, 2005 Michael's mom found out that he was taking drugs and he was becoming an addict to them so she talked to him and she said,” Hey Michael if you need to tell me something i'll be here for you i mean anything.”
Michael replied,” Why are you asking me this?”

Michael's mom said,” Well I found out you were taking drugs and I know you're becoming an addict to them oh and by the way your hiding spot for your drugs isn't the best even tho i don't go up into the attic doesn't mean i wouldn't find your drugs.”

Michael stomped angrily and laughed but as he was going to his room he remembered that he had to pay Julian before he came to the house burned it all down and kill his mom. So he told his mom,” Mom me and you are both going to die if I don't give Julian $3,000 dollars by tomorrow in the afternoon. So Michael's mom called the cops and said,” Can you guys come and help us we are going to die if you guys don't help us.” So the cops went over they came up with a brilliant idea the decided to give him fake money and then go after him. So they did that and it all went for what they planned for they put him in jail.

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True Story

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