The Birthday Surprise | Teen Ink

The Birthday Surprise

December 17, 2015
By SamikshaRao BRONZE, Cupertino, California
SamikshaRao BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was March 7, 2015, exactly a month from Brooke’s birthday. Brooke lived in New York with her mom and dad, Jennifer and Bob. They both wanted to plan ahead of time for what they will be doing for Brooke’s birthday party. They both really wanted to make it special since she is going to be a teen for the first time. Brooke’s mom didn’t know what to do for her party so she went to her room and looked around for ideas. When she got in, all she saw was Selena Gomez posters, her favorite singer. Then an idea came to her. She knew that Selena’s new album, Revival, was coming out, because of how much Brooke talks about it. Her tour was also coming to New York on her birthday so it would be perfect if she bought tickets for her to see her concert. Brooke’s mom wanted to buy the tickets as soon as possible because she knew that they would get sold out quickly. Her dad couldn’t go because of work so he told Jennifer to only buy two tickets.

After about a month, it was April 2, 2015. Brooke’s birthday was coming closer and closer. Her mom wanted to tell Brooke about the tickets today so they can get ready for it. When Brooke came back from school she finished her homework then started watching Selena Gomez’s new music video for “Good For You”. Her mom came up to her with an envelope and handed it to Brooke.

“What is this?” Brooke said.

“Open it” her mom said eagerly.

Brooke slowly opened the envelope trying to peek through to see what it was. When the envelope was fully opened Brooke was speechless. There was silence. After about 30 seconds Brooke immediately questioned if it was fake. “No, of course not!” said Brooke’s mom. Brooke got up from the couch and hugged her mom as hard as she can. She was so happy that she almost started to cry.

“Thank you so much mom! This is going to be the best birthday present ever!” Brooke said happily.

It was April 7, 2015. It was 7:00 am and the day of the Selena Gomez concert. Brooke woke up super early to get ready. She was choosing her most expensive looking outfit so she can stand out in the crowd. She wore glow in the dark bracelets and hair sprayed her hair gold. She woke her mom up so that she can get ready too. The concert was at 2:00 pm so they planned to leave at 12:00. When is was around 11:45 they decided to go out and have lunch before they leave. When they got in the car, Brooke’s mom heard a loud beeping noise. “It’s fine don’t worry. The noise is probably from my phone.” said Brooke’s mom.

They drove to Chipotle for some lunch. They both got the same thing, a burrito with white rice, black beans, veggies, and cheese. They decided to eat there itself since the had lots of time. “Perfect thing to eat right before a perfect concert.” Brooke laughed.

The time was 12:10pm and they finally finished lunch and started to head to the concert. They heard the beeping noise again. There was silence. Brooke’s mom started looking around the car.

“Honey can you check my phone and see if the noise is coming from there.” said Brooke’s mom.

“Ok” Brooke said. She unlocked her phone to see if any notifications were showing up. “Nope. The noise isn’t coming from your phone. But you should charge it, your phone is almost out of battery.”

“Ok, we are about 20 minutes away from the stadium.” her mom said.

About 2 minutes after the beeping noise their car started to go slower and slower. They took the car into a parking lot to see what’s wrong. Right when they were about to park, their car stopped.

“What happened?” Brooke said scaredly.

“Well the car doesn’t want to turn on.” Her mom laughed. “My gas is filled so I don’t know what’s wrong. I should call the car maintenance company.”

When she called them it went straight to voicemail. She tried calling a few more times. She called one last time and in the middle of calling, her phone ran out of battery. She took Brooke’s phone and called them with that.

“Hello?” said the maintenance company.

“Hi! My car just broke down and I was wondering if you can come and fix it. We have a concert to go to so we are on a time crunch.”

“Sorry Ma’am, the earliest we can come is in 2 hours. Today is a very busy day” the company said.

“Oh no. Ok ok, that’s fine.” Brooke’s mom said sadly.

She hung up the phone and sat in the car. “Well Brooke, we will have leave right when the car company fixes our car. We might have a chance of making the concert before the gates close.” sighed Brooke’s mom.

Two hours later, the car company finally came. They tried starting up the car a few times but nothing worked. After a few minutes, they realized that the tires on her car were flat so they needed to add some more air.

“Ok, all done. Be careful of your tires next time!” The man said.

“Thank you so much! We better get going right now or we will miss the concert.” Brooke’s mom said quickly.

They both got in the car as fast as they can, buckled their seatbelts, and started driving to the stadium. It was 2:10pm and the concert started at 2:00pm. They were about 10 minutes away. Both of them were thinking that they were going to miss the concert.

When they got to the stadium they quickly parked their car and ran to the gates. While they were running to the entrance, Brooke could hear Selena Gomez singing and that’s when she knew that the gates closed. They went around asking people who worked at the stadium if they could get in but everyone said no.

Brooke was feeling very sad. They drove back home. Brooke’s mom felt very sad for Brooke because she was really looking forward to the concert. When they were close to home, Brooke’s mom remembered that she can contact some of Selena Gomez’s managers and ask if she can come to their house to surprise Brooke. The email said this:

Hi Selena Gomez,
My daughter and I were going to go to your concert today but are car broke down on the way and it took a long time to get it fixed. It was also my daughter’s birthday today and I felt very sad for her because you are her idol. I was wondering if you can come to our house to just say hi to her. Our address is 10567 Apple Street, Manhattan, New York.

                                               Jennifer Smith.

Brooke was sitting on the couch not talking. She was watching youtube videos as usual and eating a banana. Her mom was in her room constantly checking her email to see if she replied. After a couple hours she got an email back. She quickly opened it and it said:

Hi Jennifer,
Selena Gomez would be glad to come by and say hi to your daughter! She is currently having her concert right now so she can come over around 6:00pm today. Let’s keep this a surprise from her so she can be extra excited! Looking forward to meeting you at 6:00pm.

~Selena Gomez’s staff

Brooke’s mom was so thankful that she actually replied. She couldn’t wait to see Brooke’s expression when she realizes her idol is standing in the room with her. She wanted to keep this a secret from Brooke so she told her that her friends were coming over for dinner.

It was exactly 6:00pm. Brooke’s mom was standing by the door waiting for Selena Gomez to come. She saw a car pull up in front of their driveway. She checked where Brooke was. She was on the computer in her room.

*Knocking noise on door*

“Hello! Brooke is in her room right now.” her mom whispered.

“Hi! So nice to meet you! This is my manager, Leyla.” Selena Gomez whispered.

“Hi Lelya. Come in please please. I’ll go get Brooke.” said her mom.

She walked down the hallway to go get Brooke from her room.

“Brooke, my friends are here. Come on please.”

“Ok.” said Brooke sadly.

They both walked down the hallway. Brooke looked up from the ground. And there she saw. Selena Gomez. Right there. Sitting on her couch. She was about to faint. Brooke ran up to her as fast as she can and hugged her as hard as she could.

“Hi Brooke! Happy Birthday, I’m so sorry you couldn’t come to my concert. But at least we get to meet now!” Selena Gomez said happily.

“Hi! OH MY GOD. I can’t believe I am talking to you in person! Ok, ok I need to calm down. Wait how are you here?!” Brooke said desperately.

“Your mom was so nice that she emailed me asking if I could come to meet you in person. And of course I said yes!” she said.

“Oh my god. Thank you mom, you’re the best!” Brooke said as she gave her mom a big hug.

They continued the day doing many fun things like painting each others nails and making pizza. She also gave Brooke V.I.P tickets to see her at her next concert which is in New York too. This was definitely the best birthday gift Brooke has received.

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