Dieting | Teen Ink


December 24, 2015
By Vi_Vi BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
Vi_Vi BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
A new girl came to our school today and she is soooooo PRETTY!!! Her name’s Katie and she's literally goal worthy. She's so skinny and pale and Im totally jelly. I. Cant. Even. Maybe I should ask her if she has any beauty hacks tomorrow????
Dear Diary,
So, today Jenny and I asked Katie if she could tell us how she became so skinny and stuff. It was actually, like, reallyyyy easy and she told us that even those models on the magazines do this too!!! I cant even believe that I never came up with it before. I cant wait to start being pretty like her :)
Dear Diary,
I just checked the scale again this morning and honestly, I cant say I’m satisfied. Jenny said she lost like 3 pounds last week and I only lost 2 :( But, I gotta admit, this new diet thing has been working out WONDERFULLY!!!!! I cant even deal with all of the progress that I've been making! Im soooooo glad that Katie told us about her plan. I cant believe that I used to be a fat LOSER before she came along. XD
Dear Diary,
I dunno why but lately I've been getting these REALLY bad headaches. Like in math class today I got like really dizzy and I even fell asleep! (Ms. Smith has always been really boring tho.) I guess that I’m just sick. It'll probably go away soon.
Dear Diary,
OMG I CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE HER!!!!! Jenny just told me that she decided to stop dieting. She kept on complaining about how she was tired and thirsty all the time. What even??? I guess she’ll just go back to being a loser again XD I’ll just hang out with Katie.
Dear Diary,
UGHHHH I CAN’T DEAL WITH MOM!!! She doesn’t understand how important this diet is to me! I told her that I didn’t want to eat dinner and then she started giving me this long and boring lecture about healthy dieting and how I wasnt eating enough. What would she know about losing weight??? NOT eating means you WON’T get fat! I've been making a lot of progress and Katie’s the only one that understands how happy I actually am!
Dear Diary,
IM NOT LOSING ENOUGH!!! Last week I lost 7 pounds but this week I only lost 5!!!! I hate mom and her stupid new rule about me having to eat dinner right in front of her! When will she realize that Im not a child anymore and I can make my own decisions?!? But luckily, when everyone’s sleeping, I can throw up my food and mom doesn’t even suspect a thing.
Dear Diary,
Katie hasnt been coming to school lately and Im beginning to get worried. I've been trying to text and call her but she hasnt been replying to any of them. Hopefully she’s okay.
Dear Diary,
I cant believe it… it turns out that Katie’s been at the hospital for the past week and she died this morning. The doctors said that her heart was pumping way too slowly and her organs started to shut down. Why did this have to happen?
Dear Diary,
I went to Katie’s funeral today. She looked so pretty in her coffin. Her skin was so pale and her face was so thin. She was dressed up in her hot pink dress, the one that she wanted to go to prom in. She looked just like a delicate little Barbie doll. Even after death Katie managed to look perfect.
Dear Diary,
Even though Katie isn’t with us anymore, I realized that I could still keep her memory alive through the diet. Today at school I told a ton of other girls what she told me when I first met her. I can already see her smiling down at us as she sees other girls starting to be pretty just like her. :)

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