The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

December 29, 2015
By Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
Anoynmous-A BRONZE, Paton, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Their non-biological parents had died.

   “The Truth”
That night the girls were confronted with the worst news a teenager could ever have,
“What do you mean by non-biological?” asked Ever.
“It means they aren’t our real parents Ever,” I said trying to force back the tears.
“What!” Ever screamed. Then a sudden touch of my shoulder made me turn. It was Justin. He asked me what was wrong, so I explained everything to him. I mean that’s what best friend’s are for right?
“Justin,” I said, “I’m really worried about Ever.”
“I know you are Ems, just give her some time.” He said now pulling me close. As I stood there inside of his arms, I listened to the beating of his heart.
“Justin,” I begin but he cuts me off.
“I know Ems.” But, before I could respond, our eyes met, and the next thing I knew was that we had kissed.
“I have to find her,” I said now, breaking the moment.
“Well, you can’t do it alone,” Justin informed her, “I’ll go with you.”
“No,” I snapped, “it’s really sweet, but, no.”
“But Emalie, I can’t let you do that. I like you too much, even more than that I think I am in love with you.” He noted.
“Look, Justin I like you too. It’s just that now is not a good time for a relationship, or maybe it is, I don’t know,” I admitted confused.
Now he stood there, with an expression of hurt on his face. I wanted to know how he felt not just towards me but about me too. I felt horrible, so I told him, “I’ll talk to Eve.” He nodded and he said, “Okay, but…”
“I know.” We both laughed and then he left.      

“The Talk”
Later that night Emalie talked to Eve and asked if she’d like to go and see their real mother.
“So you’re telling me if we wanted, we could go see her?” Ever asked, confused.
“Yup.” I confirmed.
“Well do you want to?” questioned Ever.
“Yeah, maybe, yes!” I believed.
“Okay so we’ll be together at all times?” she asked.
“Yes,” I assured her.
“Okay, let’s do it!” She said confidently.


“The Arrival and A Trip To The Hospital”
The next day, they packed and took off. It took about two days to get from Washington D.C. to Miami, Florida, and it was a long trip. I slept on and off. We suddenly came to a stop and I awoke. I turned and asked, “Why’d you stop?”
“This is it,” he answered.
“Already?” I asked tiredly.
“Are you gonna be….” asked Justin.
“I’ll be fine,” I said as I cut him off. After that, I jumped into the back and woke Ever.
“We’re here,” I said with a smile.
“Really?” she growled.
“Yes. Now wake up sleepy head.” I joked.
“Fine,” she mumbled and put her face back in her pillow.
“You ready?” I asked.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with,” she said with a yawn.
      Then I turned to Justin and he asked if we should come with. I shook my head, “ I think we got this.” After I was done talking, we got out and walked up to the oddly painted house. When we reached the door, I reached my hand out to knock on the door when a tall dirty blonde haired man opened the door, before I could. “The he smiled and said, “I thought I told you we didn’t want any Girl Scout cookies.”
“I’m sorry sir, there’s been a misunderstanding, you see we’re not actually from here.” I said.
“Well, then why are you on my doorstep?” He demanded.
“We’re here to see Carmin.” Ever said.
“Who’s asking?” he said now, getting defensive.
“We are we’re her daughters, now is she here or not?” I snapped. Then all of the sudden, a cry of help came from inside the house. Ever and I couldn’t help but to try to get in. But, the man pushed us back out and shut the door in our faces. Moments later Ever and I had our ears pressed to the door. We heard horrible things. Then Justin came up behind us and asked what was going on. I told him to shh, and listen. Minutes later he stepped back and said, “Oh my gosh.”
Then he just started to pound on the door, and hit me on my shoulder and whispered, “Look.” We saw that the man was crawling out of the window. Justin saw too, and before he hit the ground, Justin tackled him. After that Ever crawled through the window, and moments later she unlocked the door, I followed her into a bedroom. We surveyed the room and under a small blanket, was a small fragile girl. I saw that she was half-beaten, her clothes were torn, and she’d said she’d been raped. Then I saw all the dark blood springing up from her chest and realized she was drenched in it. I lifted her shirt and saw she had cut wounds across her chest. “Call 911,” I screamed to Ever. “Now!” Ever was paralyzed, so I took the phone and called the hospital and the police force myself She began to cry. “No no no no no, it’s okay, everything's okay.”
I picked her up, laid her on the bed, and asked her what her name was.
“Elise.” She answered, and I realized I was holding my little sister in my arms.
“Okay, Elise what’s your mother’s name?”
“I don’t know, she hasn’t seen me in five years, after she sold me to this man.” She said now having a big change in her breathing.
“No Elise,” I stressed, “Talk to me please!”
“Okay,” she answered.
“What’s your dad’s name?” I asked.
“Zachary Hill,” she responded.
“Did he do this to you?” She shook her head. “Okay, did he do this to you?” I pointed to the man She nodded. Then I put her on her bed, wrapped her in a blanket, and took her outside.
Ever came running up to me, “Is she gonna be okay?”
“I don’t know,” I said. Then I turned back to Elise, and listened to her breathing. It was much harsher now. I turned and told Ever, “She’s our sister Ever, she’s our sister.” I now began to sob.
“This is Elise?” she asked, as she observed her. Then our crying was broke by the sound of sirens. They took her, put her on a stretcher, and lifted her into an ambulance and I went with. Ever came too, but Justin stayed behind and explained what happened.

“Death Brings Us Out, The Suspect Goes Down”
Hours later Carmin, came to the hospital, and asked who I was. “I’m Emalie your daughter,” I snapped, “and you have no right being here.”
“Who are you to tell me I have no right seeing my daughter?” she asked scarcely.
“Emalie Rose Mackabee, and she hasn’t been your daughter for five years! And I bet you're here to collect her life insurance, aren’t you?” I demanded.
“That’s not why I’m here, I actually care!” She snapped back.
“I bet,” I said and then remarked, “Now was that before or after you sold her illegally to a sexual predator?”
“Because I needed the money okay?” She sighed.
“For what?” I interrogated.
“I had an addiction okay?” She admitted.
“Thanks,” I said, “ That’s all I needed to know.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pushed pause on the recording. But, just as I went to walk away, I felt a cool sharp object slide into my back. As I fell I hit the help button, a nurse came running through the door, she looked at me, and my mother took off in a panic. The nurse called for security. Then the last thing I saw was Ever and Justin walk into the room. Ever panicked on the inside, but Justin panicked so bad he had to be sedated.
“Happy To Be Alive”
The next morning when I woke, I felt like I had been beaten with a tire iron in my chest. But nope. I had been stabbed with a knife.
“Ever!” I cried, and she came running to my bedside.
“What?” she asked concerned.
“She tried…” I said trying to catch my breath, “to kill me.”
“I know Em,” she told me, “I saw the tapes.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, they did,” she said with a smile.
“Hey, I’m gonna go and get you something to drink,” she said.
“Okay,” I told her.      
      After she left, I closed my eyes. But then, someone coughed; I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. It was Justin. He was holding a big bouquet of flowers.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hi,” he replied. “I just wanted to make sure…”
I interrupted. “I know.”
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, much better now.” I told him. He smiled, and I laughed. Justin moved closer now. My heart raced with every step he took.
He was sitting on my bed now, “Well I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Me too, Mr. Exaggeration,” I joked.
“I wasn’t exaggerating, I just really care about you,” he said now getting serious.
“I know.”
Justin leaned in, and went to kiss me, but Ever came in unnoticed. “I’m sorry did I interrupt something?” She asked. Justin went to move away, but I grabbed hold of his arm. He looked at me.
“Oh, nothing important.” Justin said.
“Oh, come here you,” I say with a giggle and pull him close, our eyes meet, his eyes are so beautiful, and he kisses me.
“Wait…did I miss something?” Ever asked.
“Yes.” I explained to her the whole story.
“Okay, so you are two going out?”
“I believe so,” Justin said.
And that was the end to a somewhat perfect journey.

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