Distance | Teen Ink


December 30, 2015
By stargirl3 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
stargirl3 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;<br /> Give the world the best you&#039;ve got anyway.&quot;

I used to pull out my phone to text her at lunch, as soon as the last bell rang, in the car on the way to the grocery store, right before bed. We spilled our secrets, our dreams, our fears, our crushes. We promised we’d tell each other first. We counted down the days together. We sent live updates as we began our new lives. We swore we’d never lose contact.


We made new friends. We found new routine. We no longer needed to pass the time we once wasted in moving vehicles. Every so often I’d shoot her a text message and we’d fire updates back and forth and it would feel like no time had passed at all.


But her thread eventually falls to the bottom of my texts and I begin to feel like if I say hello I will be a bother.


In retrospect, I find it funny that when she said distance only breaks people apart, I told her she was wrong.

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