Snow Day | Teen Ink

Snow Day

December 15, 2015
By brandinichole BRONZE, Lewisville Tx., Texas
brandinichole BRONZE, Lewisville Tx., Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold day out on this december morning,when i got up.Today i was going to fca camp which stands for fellowship christian athletes.Fca camp was being held in waxahachie tx.I couldnt wait to go to fca camp becuase there was alot of fun activities that were being planned.I had to bring my own personal towels,soap,hand sanatizer,etc. Me and my mom went to the store and spent a lot of money on stuff,we had to get stuff for my sister as well because she was going to Florida one day before i was going to fca camp.I had to bring all of my supplies to school like my suit case with all of my clothes,and my blankets and soaps,i had to bring my backpack to school as well but when we leave the school we will leave our backpacks in our coach's office.During the day we left our suitcases and supplies in her office.When everyone dropped their stuff off in coaches office we all went to class.About 2 hours into the school day it was passing period and there was a lot of commotion going on,so many people were talking so you couldn't get what they were saying but eventually the announcements came on and announced that it was snowing,when i heard that i went and looked out of the window and the ground was covered in it.I was very happy because i like when it snows because it's so pretty and fun to play in.I didn't think much about fca camp being cancelled until my friends started worrying about the winter formal being cancelled.The second time the announcements came on they announced that a few activities had to be cancelled,they announced the winter formal and a couple of other things but not yet fca.When the third announcement came on they said that one more activity was to be cancelled,fca camp.I was very upset when i heard the news,because i knew that it wasn't delayed,it was cancelled.A few weeks later we got our money back along with a t-shirt and a athletes bible,that day when i got home i was still upset about it but i was also excited that i got to play in the snow,you always have to look on the bright side because for me it was either fca camp or get to enjoy the pretty snow,so remember to always look on the bright side because there always is one.

The author's comments:

i want people to see that there can always be a bright side to something upsetting.

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