Love at First Sight | Teen Ink

Love at First Sight

December 21, 2015
By BethanyM BRONZE, Newmarket, Newhampshire, New Hampshire
BethanyM BRONZE, Newmarket, Newhampshire, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm day in September, and the start of the new school year.  Kids scatter the field in front of the school waiting anxiously for the bell to ring. Everyone talked about their summer adventures, and how great they had been. The doors to the old high school opened to reveal  the shiny tile floors reflecting the fluorescent lights that shined down. People walked to their newly assigned lockers and filled them with books, binders, and other important school supplies.

He was getting ready for his first class of the year, he stacked up his books and got out his pencils.  He was finally in highschool, and couldn't be more excited.  Muggy air filled the school as the sun shined through dusty windows. That’s the first time he saw her, in the long tile hallway of the old school building. She was  the new girl, but already had a small group of friends circling her. Her long dark hair flowing just below her waist,  and her freckles splattered on her face.
She’s gorgeous. He slowly walked over to where she was standing and  built up the courage to finally talk to her. “Hi I’m... ”, he mumbled in his low shaky voice. He trails off after realising she isn't listening. I need to talk to her, just calm down. “Hi I’m Red, or that's what people call me.” He spoke in his most confident voice while pointing at his fiery red hair. His heart was racing and his face was as red as his hair, but he couldn't be happier. She blushed, “ I’m Delia, nice to meet you.”  Little did he know he was talking to his future wife.

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