Worry. | Teen Ink


January 7, 2016
By AFEgan BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
AFEgan BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Worry always comes over uninvited and overstays his welcome. Worry finds me at the oddest times in my day. He is always looking for me. Waiting for an opportunity to squeeze himself into any “what-if” I have. He thinks that I can’t make decisions on my own. He sits in the passenger seat when I drive to school, stands over me while I frantically fill the scantron for a test, and comes over for a late snack right before I go to bed. Worry takes away my peace and quiet. Which is something that is hard to come by these days. He constantly analyzes every decision in my life. Should I have studied? What if I forgot something? Does my outfit match? What if I don't get into college? What if I failed my test? Did I upset my friends? He certainly likes to waste my time. I manage to get through his regular visits by listening to him go on and on about how I should handle every situation. He goes back and forth between his decisions before he finally picks one. But by that moment, it’s almost too late to act on it. I’ll never be able to tell him to leave. He decides when it’s his time to go.

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