My Last Flight | Teen Ink

My Last Flight

January 7, 2016
By BaydenLaPiana BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
BaydenLaPiana BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
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It was nine thirty p.m. September 10, 2001. I was sitting on one of the couches in my living room with my two kids and my baeutiful wife Sarah watching Monday night football. The game was just finishing up, and it was obvious that the Patriots were going to win, since they were in the lead twenty-seven to nothing. Since there was no point in watching the rest of the game i turned off the T.V. in dissapointment and, knowing my seven year old daughters, walked them upstairs to make sure that they brushed their teeth, and put their pajamas on. They of course complained, but eventually they gave in and went to bed. I kissed them goodnight and and went back down to my wife who was cleaning the dishes from dinner. I love my wife. She is the best wife anybody could ever have, and i tell her every day. I helped her finish cleaning the dishes, even though she was almost finished, and went into our room to start packing for my buiseness trip the next day. I had to pack seven days of clothes even though i wouldn't be needing them. After i finished packing, i brushed my teeth, got into my pajamas and tried to fall asleep. This was going to be my first time going out of town without my family. Usually whenever i have buiseness trips, which isnt very often, it's a fun, family friendly event. This trip, however, i was going to San Fransisco for a very important meeting. I couldn't sleep at all that night, I couldn't stop thinking about my speech aaat the meeting, and being away from my family for a week. I got around thirty minutes of on-off sleep that night and had to leave the house by seven in the morning. Before i left, i gave my wife and kids kisses goodbye while they were still asleep. I then got in my car and drove to the Newark International Airport. It was around a thirty minute drive to get there. It was pretty crowded in the airport. It was filled with a lot of buisness men that looked like they traveled every day. It was hard to find the place to get on the plane and it espeacally made it harder having people shove into my every couple of seconds, though it was chaotic in therei still couldn't stop thinking about my wife and kids Thinking of them took my attenion away from all the stress of getting to the gate on time and all the popele shoving into me. It took a while, but i finally got to the gate and turns out the flight was delayed 45 minutes anyway. It took awhile but i finaly boarded on the plane and found my seat still thinking about my family, thinking of the first time we had gone on a plane. The kids were just a couple months old and they wouldn't stop crying. They drove the people around us insane, it was annyoing for Sarah aswell. But we would look back at it and laugh becuase we missed those days. Without even realizing it, the plane was taking off. I didn't even remember the flight attendance going over safety precautions or anything, i must have been daydreaming. We got in the air and I decided to try to get some sleep that i had lost the night before. It didn't take but two minutes and i was out like a lightbulb. I dreamed about my family, i couldn't get my mind off of them. We were infront of our old home in Buffalo, New York, playing football on thanksgiving. The leaves were still falling off the trees and the air was becoming crisp. It was parents v.s. kids and somehow our pretty two little daughters were beating us. That was a real proud daddy moment. I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 9:20. I woke myself totally up and went to the bathroom. When i came back and sat down it was 9:22. As soon as i climbed over two people into my window seat a man pulled out a box cutter and silt the woman's throat sitting in the aisle seat. Blood went flying everywhere. I turned my head away and looked out the window at the clouds below, trying to convince myself none of this was happening. People were screaming and the plane started to drop for a couple of seconds and then it leveled out again. Several people had gotten up and were trying to knock down the door into the pilot's c***pit where, what i'm guessing were terrorists, were in. I sat in my seat, still looking out the window, thinking about my family. I was glad that they weren't here on this flight or esle they may have been that person with the silt throat. I decided to start to think of more positive thoughts to get my mind off of the yelling people, and the people screaming "Planes have crashed into the World Trade center too," I started to think of the time that my daughters learned who to ride a bike because  her friend just learned how to ride one. Since she really seemed determined to learn how to, i went out and bought her a pretty pink bike with a pink bow and all. That little stinker didn't take five minutes to learn how to ride it. Her little sister, Katy, being the younger one, wanted to learn too. Katy became so frustrated becasuse it took her a couple of days to learn how to ride it.  I heard a couple of mean let out painful screams and the plane fiercely jerked downwards. I went flying in the air and got pinned to the ceiling. People were flying throughtout teh plane, Just barely missing me. My body hurled to the back of the plane and slammed against the bathroom door. I was pinned against the door for several seconds not moving and at peace. I closed my eyes and thought of my family. I'm going to miss them. Suddenly the plane came to a complete stop and my body jetted to the front of the plane and there was a second of nothing. No noise, no pain, no thoughts. Just nothing. It's been that way for a long time now and i'm just happy that the last thought that i had was of my awesome, beautiful family.

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im redneck

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