That moment in the night when... | Teen Ink

That moment in the night when...

January 11, 2016
By J.Spinosa BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
J.Spinosa BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       My eyes glazed over as I studied page 62 of my chemistry book. I have been studying for this damn test for a week and I still have no freakin' idea what I'm doing. Oh and I still have 200 pages to go...yay! Oh and better yet, the test is my first class tomorrow. The struggles in my life. My nana always tells me to find the bright side of every situation, so I guess the "bright side" of this situation is that it's only 10:18 so I can still get 6-7 hours of sleep.

My roommate, Chelsea, just got home from Long Tongs Chinese restaurant. She looks at me and says, " Rachel, you could absolutely fail this test and still pass with a C. If I were you, I would consider that as an option." I mean, she is right but I really wanna pass with a B. I look at her and then at page 63 which has the headline Stoichiometry. Hmm, sleep or Stoichiometry? Lol you can probably guess what I chose. I respond to Chelsea saying," You're right. I am gonna consider that for my option." I slammed  the book shut and then made myself some tea.
       It was around 2:30 in the morning when a horrible noise awoke me and Chelsea. We look at eachother and I can tell by her face that she is pissed. After all she does hate it when people interrupt her beauty "sleep". The fire alarm in this dorm is literally louder than the friggin space shuttle blasting off. Our RA leads us all out side. Then the firemen rush is the building and find that some girl pulled the alarm cuz she thought it would be funny. Boy, was she ever wrong. At 3:30 we are cleared to go back inside. Great now at most I'm gonna have five hours of sleep. Once we are back inside, I climb back into my bed and snuggle under my covers and drift into a beautiful sleep.
        I just had a CRAZY dream. I was walking around in a fluffy pink bathrobe when I found a jar of peanut butter. Once I picked up the jar of peanut butter I opened the lid and there the word "All" was written in M&M's. Next I started to spread peanut butter all over my bare feet. Lol don't ask me why cuz I have no idea! Once I was satisfied with the amount of peanut butter on my feet I continued my walk. Then I found a weird trail of jelly beans and at the end of the trail there was a walrus playing the banjo and a lemur doin the hula. They then asked my if my" Nose whispered to me"... I don't think that that is possible no matter how hard I could try. Anyway, I was going to respond to them when I slipped on a jelly bean and awoke from my dream with an intense Charley horse in my leg. Ahhhhh the pain is sooooo intense! Chelsea wakes up hearing my pain and automatically says," ahh, you had that dream with the candle again." Lol,no I wish! anything is better than a Charlie horse in the middle of the night....Am I gonna get any sleep tonight?

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by one of my Junior year classes and a really weird dream i once had. I hope that most people who haved had to stay up almost all night studying for an exam will be able to relate to this.

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