The Root of All Evil | Teen Ink

The Root of All Evil

January 5, 2016
By ty_bourque1 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
ty_bourque1 BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“In recent news, the Russians have blown up yet another plane on the boarder of France and Spain. A hundred people have been found dead and many more are in serious condition.”

“Turn that off Corey! We don’t need our kids getting worried before our trip tomorrow” proclaimed Pam Bauer. She is the mother of 2 boys, Jack and Harry. They live just outside Boston in a small suburb called Brookline. They both commute into work every day. Corey works in the marketing business and Pam is a nurse.

“Pam, I’m just going to run to the store and grab some last minute things for our trip,” said Corey, just a few minutes after 10 on a Thursday night. As he was pulling into the local CVS parking lot, he got a call from his closest friend and co-worker, Floyd Everett. Their families have been close friends ever since Corey and Floyd began working together at the marketing business. The Everett’s were also joining the Bauer’s on their vacation to California the next morning.

“Hey Corey, how would you feel about making a little extra money tomorrow morning before our trip?” said Floyd.

“You know I’m always down for a little extra cash Floyd. What’s the task this time?”

“One of my buddies called me up and asked me to take this package on our flight tomorrow and deliver it to the guy with the cartoon shirt when we get off. He said it wouldn’t get checked at security and that we could just take it as a carry-on. The reward is totally worth it too. He offered 800$! What do you say Corey?”

“Of course I’m in bro!” Corey proclaimed, “What’s in the package though?”

“That’s the part he wouldn’t say. I’m willing to trust him and earn this extra cash for our trip”

“Sounds good Floyd, I’m all in. See you in the morning and let’s keep this from the kids and our wives.”

“Okay… sounds good Corey, Goodnight”

The next morning came fast and they were off to the airport by 6:30 that morning. When they met the Everett’s at the terminal, Floyd and Corey said they were getting some snacks before the plane took off. They met the man at the food court in the airport. Just as they accepted the package, Corey was having flashbacks.

“Down goes another commercial airline. The Russians dropped another Boeing 750 near the French and Spanish boarder late last night,” read Lester Holt of the nightly news. Corey was second-guessing this whole plan and every situation that could end tragically. But, yet again his obsession with money took control over him again as he took the small, round package from the middle-aged man and he and Floyd returned to their families.

The Everett’s and the Bauer’s got through security and were now on the plane to their annual vacation to California. The kids were ecstatic and couldn’t wait for another great week in paradise. The plane took off and roared through the sky like little kids running to the ice cream truck.

The plane landed and everyone stepped out into the sun- bathed, warm, California weather.  It was an average summer day in California with the temperature hovering around 85 degrees. As soon as the two money loving best friends stepped off the plane, they were relieved that the hazardous plan they blindly agreed too was a success.
Mrs. Everett and Mrs. Bauer knew that once their husbands found the man in the cartoon shirt their husbands would be confronted about their sick obsession.

The man in the cartoon shirt was spotted and they thought their plan was in the clear and they would be living extravagantly on this vacation with the 800$ they were earning. Just as they were making the subtle exchange, their wives intercepted the mysterious package. At that moment, Floyd and Corey knew they were going to get an ear full from their wives. 

“ What is this here,” screamed Pam Bauer, as to embarrass anyone around them to the whole airport.

“Why are you carrying this too a man you have never met before Floyd?” asked Sherry Everett.

“ We were just helping this man who dropped it back on the plane.” quivered Corey, knowing there was no way out of this one.

“ Don’t even try Corey, we set this whole plan up just to prove a point that money isn’t everything. What if this was an actual bomb and we aren’t here right now because of your sick, dirty obsession with money. Think of the lessons the kids are learning from you. You are supposed to be a role model for them.”

“ I know honey. I’m sorry and this will never happen again. Kids, please learn from my mistakes and just know that I wasn’t trying to harm you in any way. I’m sorry again.” Spoke Corey in a sorrowful manner.

Mrs. Everett chimed in, “Your apology is accepted boys, but let this be your warning. Let’s go enjoy some California sunshine!!!”

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