The Fighter | Teen Ink

The Fighter

January 9, 2016
By camryn_nor BRONZE, Houston, Texas
camryn_nor BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 She laid on the ground, the side of her face pressed against the cold, hard, concrete floor, once again defeated. The crowd remained silent, hoping that she will rise up and continue what she started, but she didn’t move an inch. Her body stuck to the ground as a mixture of sweat and blood trickled down her face.
The crowd, very disappointed with the girl they called “Magma,” all stood from the old plastic bleachers, turned, and left. Soon the brick room became dark and silent. The girl wiped the blood and sweat from her face and sat straight up, staring into the darkness. She was in deep thought of how yet again, she lost the same battle with the same girl.
She kept reminding herself of her opponent smirking at another victory and the crowd walking away again. The thought kept ringing in her head, but there was nothing she can do to stop it.
A small light shone in her face. She covered her eyes with the back of her hand.
“You are so much better than this,” an all too familiar voice had spoken. “Mom would be so disappointed in her daughter forgiving up so easily. We are Lyons, and in the Lyon family we don’t give up!” His continuous voice was harsh sounding. “Do you remember what dad used to say?”
The girl ran her fingers through her hair, preparing herself for her brother’s next words.
“An optimist never looks at the bad things, and giving up-“
“On a battle is never an option. Yes, I know,” she finished. “I just need more practice,” she stated as if it had been rehearsed a million times.
“Practice?” her brother directed, his voice growing in anger. He stood from leaning on one of the ropes of the ring and walked to his sister. “You’ve been practicing for two years now, El. When are you going to realize that –“
“What, to realize that I am weak and pathetic?” Ella questioned, but she sounded more like arguing. “Just say it already, Ryan, I’m never going to be like you or mom and dad.”
Ella turned on the lights making it visible that she was beat up pretty good. She had purple bruises, some even turning a shade of black. Scratches scattered around her jawline and down her arms. Bloor poured out from under her light red shirt. Her hair stuck to her sweaty face and bags under her eyes stood out very prominently in the light. She looked terrible. She stayed silent, not wanting to stir up some more anger. Quickly, she stuffed her towel and some water into her bag and began storming out the room.
Ella and her brother were street fighters, not just any kind though. Their parents were legends, but died a painful death, but it gave Ryan and Ella to continue their legacy. Their parents were left with bruises and in a puddle of their own blood. They were defeated by their enemies, who even threaten to do the same to Ryan and Ella.
Ryan knew why the men brutally murdered their parents, but he had sworn to himself he could never speak of it to Ella. Even if Ryan wanted to confess to her, he could never build up the courage to do so.
It seemed that Ella had an enemy of her own. She was tall with well- defined muscles around her arms and legs, jet black hair, and tanned skin. Her name was Alexis Reed. Compared to Ella, Alexis was nothing. Ella had twice the size of muscles and height, but Alexis had fought over 10 fighters, including Ella, and won.
Ella had the strength to beat her, but her mind wasn’t in the right place. Flashes of the night of her parents’ final fight invaded her head. She would see her parents in her place; she would she them take every punch, fighting for their breath, causing her parents to die. Or that’s how she thought of how her parents had passed. With every hit Ella received, a pained memory followed. The overwhelming throb made her knees go weak and her eyes fill with tears that she refused to let fall down her rosy cheeks. She reminded herself of the last words that her mother spoke. “Remember to always be strong and never give up, because the world doesn’t wait for you to pick yourself back up. It will always throw something your way, but you have to keep your head up and be brave and be yourself, because we are Lyons.” Ella always looked up to her mother, but she thought the only reason she would up to her now was because she was gone, she was in a better place. Her mom was Ella’s inspiration. Any time Ella would doubt herself, her mom would be right there comforting her.
Ella walked out of the small, square building and started to head home. Ryan followed her, falling a few steps behind. “Ella, wait!” he called out. “I’ll help you practice so you can win the finals,”
There was a slight pause in Ella’s steps, but she quickly continued. Her jaw clenched and her hands formed tight fists. “I’m not fighting in the finals,” she forced out through clenched teeth, trying to hold in her forming rage.
The finals happened every year. It was enter at your own risk, meaning she would fight people who were bigger than her, stronger, and even older than her. The finals were the biggest event in Ella’s small town. Everyone attended for the thrill. Although Ella had won many finals, Ella wasn’t winning anything with her current mental state.
“You’re just going to drop out like that?” Ryan questioned, raising his right eyebrow. “So you are going to show everyone you are nothing but a weak, 17-year old girl, who is a huge disgrace to her own parents?!”  Ryan was starting to pick up some anger, but quickly tried to abate it.
Ella remained silent and sped up her walking, making it evident that was very irritated.
“Run away!” Ryan yelled at her. “Mom and Dad would never run away from their problems nor their enemies! You aren’t worthy to be called Magma! He yelled even louder. Ryan could be heard from miles away, but he didn’t care.
Ella stopped walking. She turned to face Ryan and stomped towards her brother and in one swift moment, punched him in his jaw. He let out a loud groan and held his jaw with his hands. Ella didn’t stop there; she kept throwing punches at Ryan. He managed to take a few steps back and catch his breath.
“Take that back!” Ella demanded. “You know that’s not true!”
“Oh, the part when I said you are worthless and don’t deserve to be called-“ Ella kicked him in his knee, cutting off Ryan’s sentence before he could finish.
“Magma’ is what everyone called Ella before she stopped winning the finals and small battles.  She was the strongest in her age group and won every battle. Her dad had gave her the nickname because she grew angry quickly and her anger flowed throughout her body and out into her punches and kicks.
Ryan grunted between the hits from his sister, but he was okay with it. He was making her mad on purpose, to teach her a lesson. “Get angry, El,” he said to her. “Use all of that anger to fight. They don’t call you Magma for nothing.”
Soon Ryan’s face was covered with red and purple bruises and blood. He wasn’t mad at his sister for her sudden violence, but impressed that she had managed to make Ryan weak and vulnerable. He smeared the blood on his face and wiped in on his shirt. He took a wet towel out of his bag and wiped the rest of the blood off his face and knuckles. After Ella calmed down, they decided to head home. Ella stretched across her bed and started at the ceiling. She was calm, but fury was written all over her face. Honestly, Ella didn’t want to drop out the finals. She just couldn’t stand to be beaten over and over again, so she had given up. She was giving up on all hopes that her past would escape her, so she could focus on her fighting, but her troubles seemed to follow her. Thoughts about her mom, dad, the finals, and Ryan flooded her mind until she drifted away into a suspension of consciousness.
“Ella, get up.” Ryan shook Ella’s shoulder roughly.
“Ryan is it six the morning, go away!”  Ella pulled the blankets over her head, blocking the small amount of light of the sunrise that was peering through her windows and hopefully her brother’s calls.
Ryan started to pull  Ella from her bed and dragged her across the room.  “What can you possibly want at this time of day, Ry?” she asked, letting out a monstrous groan.
“Training, you are going to win the finals.” He replied eagerly and with confidence. “I am going to make sure of it.”
“I told you I’m not –“
“Nonsense, child” Ryan interrupted. “we all know that you are going.”
After what seemed like an eternity, Ella finally had woken and dressed herself in a tight fitting t-shirt and stripped work out pants. Her brown, curly hair was tied up in a messy bun.
“Ready?” her brother asked as he wrapped medical tape around his knuckles, covering up some cuts and bruises.
Ella just nodded and stood up from the floor. Ryan help his hands in front of his face, signaling that he was also ready. Ella did the same, mocking her brother’s actions. They slowly walked in a circle, never letting their hands stray away from their face. They stared into each other’s eyes, trying to predict their first move. Ryan took a small step forward, causing Ella to take one clumsy step back. Without warning, Ryan jabbed Ella in her stomach. Ella fell on the hard floor and laid there. Memories of the night before blurred her vision. She remmebred the crowd growing silent as they waiting for her to get back on her feet, but she never did.
“Get up, El.” Ryan said, breaking Ella from her thoughts. “Don’t focus on anything but me.” Ryan’s reassuring words weren’t helping at all. Ella remained out the ground, paralyzed once again. A deep sigh came from Ryan’s mouth; he knew this was going to take some time.
“Remember to always look at your opponent’s body and never their eyes. Make your first punch to the throat and take from there,” Ryan was giving Ella some quick advice before it was her turn to fight. “Understand?”
“Yes,” Ella responded with full confidence in herself. To say Ella was excited for her turn was understatement. She was to the point where she couldn’t sit still. Ryan trained Ella every day for three hours straight. By now Ella should be used to the muscle train. Every day was a new struggle for lla. Something would always find its way into Ella’s head and distract her, but Ells learnt to ignore the screams of her past calling her into the darkness.
Static filled the room as the announcer spoke into the microphone, “Ladies and Gentlemen, what you’ve all been waiting for, put your hands feet together for one and only…Alexis Reed.” 
Alexis ran out of her corner of the small room with her hands in the air. The audience cheered loudly for her, some even stomping on the bleachers. Ella couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Aleis took her place on the floor.
“And now, everyone” the announcer spoke again, waiting for everyone to settle down. “Welcome the greatest, Magma!”
Ryan placed a hand on Ella’s shoulder and gave her a wide smile before leaving to his seat. Ella began to jog out from her corner and into her position on the floor. Parts of the crowd yelled out ‘boos’ and ‘you suck’, but Ella focused her hearing on the other part of the crowd that was cheering for her and ignore the negativity. She reminded herself of the advice her brother had given her before the fight started. “Look at body and not eyes, first punch to the throat.” She repeated over and over in her mind.
A bell rung, signaling that the fight has started. Ella held her fist in front of her face as she studied Alexis’ movements. Alexis tried to bash Ella’s jaw, but Ella easily dodged it. She made a mental note to herself that Alexis steps before she hits. She kept her eyes on her feet, but trying not to make to too obvious that she was watching. Alexis stepped again. Before her knuckles could reach Ella’s face, Ella jab her in the throat. Alexis stumbled a few steps back as she tried to regain her composure. It wasn’t long until she couldn’t continue and dropped out. Ella did everything Ryan had taught her. He had a proud smile on his face as Ella defeated fighter after fighter.
It was the final round and Ella observed her next rival. He was tall and a had a very muscular frame. He was definitely older that Ella. His bulging muscles stood out as he stood over what looked to be a little girl. Ella gulped. Although she was a little hesitant about her next fight, she quickly waved off the thought of losing.
Ryan’s smiled had disappeared as fear filled his eyes. He quickly jumped out of his seat and ran to Ella. Before he could get past the standing crowd, security stopped him. “Ella!” he shouted, “You can’t fight him!”
Ella’s head immediately turned to face Ryan. Her face grew red from anger. “I know he might be a little bigger than me, but I am not going to give up on this fight.” Ella said. “You’ve been telling me not give up all this time so I am not!” She refused to listen to anything else Ryan had to say.
“Ella, you don’t understand!” Ryan cried out as the guards started to drag him out the room. “Drop out, El!” Ryan continued to struggle out of the two men’s tight grip, but failed miserably.
Ella was now more determined to beat this guy into pieces. The crowd looked just as worried as Ryan, their faces filled with fear and no one was cheering anymore.
The bell sounded the silent room. Again, Ella focused on the man’s body, watching every detail.
“The great and strong, Ella.” The husky voice said, “You’re in for quite a treat, darling.”
Ella knew what he was doing; he was trying to distract her so he could make the first hit, but Ella wasn’t falling for it. She kept her attention of his actions, not his words.
“I am going to rip you in pieces and leave you on the ground just like I did you pathetic parents,” he said with a smirk spread across his face.
Suddenly, Ella felt chills run down her back. She looked up at the tall guy. “What did you just say?” Ella asked in a challenging tone.
“You heard me,” he bit back. “You don’t remember holding your dead mommy in your arms?” He stuck out his bottom lip and his eyes grew big.
And all at once, Ella felt sick to her stomach. “You…you didn’t-“Ella stuttered.
The guy shook his head then said, “You thought they died from a shortage of breath? Is that what everyone told you?” He laughed and thought Ella was pathetic and stupid for thinking such a thing. “Oh, you poor thing, I did that. Your parents owed me money and someone had to teach them a lesson. It’s alright if you don’t understand. You’re ‘bout to experience exactly what they felt. And once I am done with you, I’ll have all my money and a bonus prize of being the champion of street fighting.”
Ella couldn’t believe what was happening. She strayed away into her thoughts. He killed my parents for money and a stupid title? Ryan lied to me.
Ella was more than angry, she was furious and enraged. With all her strength and anger, she stroke the man in his upper chest, but he didn’t move at all. He had grabbed Ella’s fist and twisted it to the side. Ella screamed out in pain as he kneed her in the stomach and slammed her into the hard floor. Ella lied on the ground. Blood dripped from her mouth and nose. Everyone grew silent. The only noise was from Ryan still struggling to refrain from the grip of the men holding him back. The guy kicked Ella one last time. Her eyes filled with blackness. Her breathing gradually slowed down. She struggled to keep her eyes open. She thought back when she said she was going to rip him into pieces. Oh, what a fool Ella was.
Ryan was finally released and he ran towards his bleeding sister. “Ella, it’s okay, everything is going to be okay.” He said, panicking as he held Ella in his arms.
“Move!” the guy demanded.
“No, you are killing her!”
“Ryan, move or you’re next!”
“I’m not going anywhere!” Ryan yelled at him. Tears filled his eyes as he slowly rocked Ella in his arms. “You are a sick man. I refuse to let you take her away too!”
Ella was listening to every word. “It’s true,” she whispered to herself, “He really did kill mom and dad.”
Ella slowly got up from the floor and wiped the blood and sweat from her face. The crowd stood up in amazement. She formed  fists with a her hands and held them in front of her face. “Move, Ryan.” She demanded.
Ryan looked puzzled. “Are you crazy? I am not letting-“
Ella pushed Ryan out the way and stared into the guys eyes. She took a step forward. “You want your money?” Ella challenged. “Fight for it.”

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