Changed Forever | Teen Ink

Changed Forever

January 15, 2016
By HannahC16 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
HannahC16 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My best friend, Dave, and I just left the movie theater after watching Indiana Jones;The Last Crusade.  I don't remember any of it.   We were driving home and this guy in another car kept slowing down and speeding up.  I got mad and chased after him in my car.  I should've stopped right there, but I couldn't.  And I didn't.  Speeding through the streets on Montour, we went everywhere. It was fine until we got to Clever Road, right outside Montour High School. I was driving about 55 miles in a 35 mile zone.  I was still mad at this guy.  What was his problem? There's no need to do what he was doing.  He was pretty far ahead of us when he rounded the corner because he was speeding at the moment.  Speeding around the corner, we quickly saw he was stopped.  Swerving to avoid hitting him, I drove off the side of a hill. We rolled down the hill and the bottom of the car fell off.  Nothing was the same after that. 

I don't remember much, but my friend and I slammed forward and back into our seats.  The airbags went off.  Glass went everywhere.  That guy was gone.  Didn't bother to see if we're okay.  Let alone alive.  All I remember is my friend, my best friend, was knocked out beside me with glass stuck in him.  I thought I killed my best friend.  I blacked out after that.

Cullen's Mother’s POV

My husband and I were watching Cheers, and we heard sirens.  We heard them through our woods in our backyard. Five minutes later, there was a call.  We froze.  My husband slowly picked up the phone.  It was a police officer saying  that there was a severe accident with our son involved and to get down to Clever Road as fast as you can.

It was my baby boy.  We arrived at the accident and saw my baby on a stretcher beaten and bloody.  We looked at the car.  It was ruined.  The steering wheel was somehow pushed through the dashboard and his seatbelt was cut. The police said that he was cut out before they arrived.  They don't know who did it.  They also said that when he crashed he was in complete control so someone else had to be involved.  There was a rumor that this guy that graduated two years ago was speeding up and slowing down, and Cullen dodged him and crashed their car.  The guy then cut Cullen out of the car and left.  His best friend was sitting in the ambulance getting glass out of his eyes and skin.  Dave was okay. He only had a few scrapes on his knees and bruises on his legs and arms. Thank god he was fine, but my baby boy was not okay.  He was unconscious and taken to a local hospital, but they couldn't handle his condition.  So they lifelined him to another hospital, and on the helicopter he died.  My baby boy died.  But they brought him back to life. He’s going to get another shot at life, but he will be in a hospital for 2 weeks, he's not allowed to do anything for 6 months, he will not be driving for another year, and he will most likely have brain damage later in his life.  But my baby boy will live, and that's all that matters. 
Cullen’s POV

I knew that when I woke up, nothing would ever be the same.  My life would be changed forever.

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