Section Championship | Teen Ink

Section Championship

January 19, 2016
By Anonymous

The clock was ticking down in slow motion when Shawn got the puck by his own goalie. He picks up speed by rapidly moving his legs. Kids for the opposing team are racing after him. The clock says that there is 45 seconds left in the game and the score is tied. Whoever scores next is going to the state tourney. Shawn is speeding up the ice and the only thing in front of him is the other team's defenseman.
The time is going by in slow motion for Shawn. He picks his head up to see where he has to skate, as he looks up he sees the enemy coming full speed with his elbow head high. Shawn has to make a decision on whether to get rid of the puck or to just dodge the hit and get the puck to the net. The opponent is closing in and Shawn decides to do a spin around the defensmen. He now only has one more to get passed. Shawn can hear the cutting of the ice from the other teams skates as they are trying to catch him. Shawn can’t look back but can hear his coach screaming “Skate! Skate! Skate!” Shawn hears this and pushes himself harder than he ever has to get passed the defensmen. He is face to face with the last defensmen and slows his stride trying to mess with the enemy’s skating. As Shawn slows the backchecking forwards are able to catch him and lift his stick getting the puck away from Shawn. The clock now reads that there is only 20 seconds left and Shawn’s teammate is racing the other team to the puck in the corner. Shawn’s teammate yells at him and says “go to the front of the net!” Shawn busts his butt to the front of the net and gets ready for the puck. As Shawn’s teammate is racing for the puck in the corner the other team trips Shawn’s teammate and now he has no chance at getting the puck to him out in front of the net.
Shawn’s teammate is sliding toward the puck but is not going fast enough to win the race to it. As he is sliding he lunges forward and swings his stick toward the puck and hitting it before the opposing player does. Shawn’s teammate swings as hard as he can and makes contact with the puck flinging it toward Shawn out in front of the goalie. The puck is on it’s way to Shawn as the backcheckers reach him and tie him up making it impossible for him to get it. The clock is ticking down and now at 10 seconds. The puck is five feet from the big scrum out front. Shawn glares at the clock then back to the puck. It is within reaching distance now and Shawn swings his stick toward the puck and prays that he will strike it into the net before the piercing buzzer sounds. He strikes the black rubber biscuit and it goes toward the net. The goal comes out of the net trying to poke check it and he misses. The puck is going into the net and the clock is still winding down. The student section is making the place shake as the puck crosses the goal line and into the back of the net. As the puck is crossing the line the buzzer goes off and everyone sits in silence waiting to see what the referee is going to call. He points toward the net calling it a goal and the place erupts with cheers and applauds.
Shawn and his teammates throw their helmets and gloves into the air and the jumbo tron reads “Duluth East Greyhound are state bound.” The team looks around taking in every little thing they see because they know they will remember this for the rest of their lives.  

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