Haunted | Teen Ink


January 18, 2016
By Jlorentz000 BRONZE, Waueksha, Wisconsin
Jlorentz000 BRONZE, Waueksha, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Zach we are leaving now, Jessica will be taking care of you for the next week while we are in Las Vegas. Please act like you would if we were here with you. If you give her any problems then you are going to be grounded when we get back, and we can always come back sooner if you are acting up.” Said Zach’s mother.

“Okay mom, I won’t give her any problems. I promise.”

“Jessica if you need anything you know our number, you can call at anytime. If we don’t answer then we will get back to you very shortly. Make yourself feel at home. Please just make sure the house is picked up by the time I get back. Thank you so much for doing this. Here is $500 for the week in case you need anything. We will give you another $500 when we get back for doing this.”

“Sounds good guys. See you in a week.” Zach said.

“Alright Zach it is getting a little late and your parents said they wanted you in bed by 11 o’clock. So I think you should start getting ready for bed, it is already 10:45.”

“Okay Jessica, I’ll get ready and go to bed now. Goodnight, see you in the morning.

“Goodnight Zach, sweet dreams.” Jessica said happily.

When Jessica walked upstairs to see if Zach was asleep, she saw a picture laying on the floor with Zach in the picture. That wasn't the only thing in the picture though. She saw a ghost figure sitting right by Zach on the stairs. In the picture she saw a ghost sitting right by Zach, just staring into the camera. She does’nt know if she is just seeing things so  she then quickly ran upstairs to Zach’s room to see if he was asleep. Zach was sound asleep in the room. Jessica decided to wait until the morning to ask Zach about the mysterious picture that she found. In the morning Jessica woke up and made a nice breakfast for Zach. Just like a normal breakfast, bacon, eggs, and some toast. When Zach came out she asked him about the picture. He didn’t say anything about it. She then asked him if he saw the ghost figure sitting right next to him. He didn’t seem to know anything about it, or even notice the figure sitting right next to him. She then decided to just forget about it. She thought that maybe she was just seeing things and that it wasn’t real. But that night things got really weird around the house. All of the clocks would randomly stop, but they would all stop at the exact time. Still she thought nothing of it. Until she was going to bed. All of a sudden the water in the bathroom started running, the door to her room opened very slowly then slammed shut. She started screaming and ran out of her room and ran to Zach’s room. Zach was sound asleep until Jessica came into his room screaming. Zach woke up and asked her what was going on. She then told him what happened and all Zach said was that it was very weird. Jessica decided to stay in Zach’s room for the night and sleep on the floor. When she woke up the next morning she saw that the dishes from the last night were all on the ground. Not broken or anything, just on the ground. Now she is freaked out and decided to call Zach’s parents are tell them what’s going on. They laughed and said “RUN”.

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