The Sad Tale of Dave | Teen Ink

The Sad Tale of Dave

January 27, 2016
By nicklocascio BRONZE, Linden, Michigan
nicklocascio BRONZE, Linden, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They had nothing to say to each other. Who could blame him after 30 years of not communicating. Dave was beside himself when his biological father called him up asking for them to meet for the first time. All Dave knew about his dad was that his name was Carlos, his birth date, and he was in a mariachi band since David was born.
Growing up, Dave was raised by his mother, Bertha. Bertha worked two jobs to keep food on the table, clothes on their back and a roof over their heads. Bertha loved her son more than anything else in the world. As Dave grew up he never asked much about his dad because he was never around.
David grew up in the ghettos and made it hard for him to make friends. Dave was not like the other hood rats; he wanted to make a name for himself. Dave decided to become a ventriloquist. At the age of 6 David bought his own puppet with his money that he saved up from past birthdays.
As David became older he started to master hiding his voices and giving his puppets their own personalities. When David was in high school he participated in the annual talent show with 2 of his favorite puppets. Dave did not know that there was a teacher from Juilliard in the audience waiting to be intrigued.
When David wrapped his show up he was confronted by the teacher. The teacher introduced himself as Ben Carpenter. Ben was on a scholastic mission to offer a full ride scholarship to a child in the ghetto for part of their school’s “outreach” program. David was shocked and immediately said yes. When David got home to tell him mother the good news she broke down into tears of joy.
Over the next 20 years David was offered auditions in movies, invitations to big parties but that never sparked his interests. The only thing David really enjoyed was going on tour with his puppets and making people laugh. David visits almost 200 cities a year when he goes on tours.
After a show in Los Angeles, David went to the back of the building to sign autographs for his fans. Dave’s manager approached him and said that his dad was looking for him. Dave didn’t believe her until she shared the man’s name and birthday. Dave’s heart dropped so fast it took him a moment to catch his breath.
Dave’s manager managed to get the man’s number for him. When Dave got home he called the number and told the person on the other line to meet at Chick-Fil-A the following day; the man agreed. David could not sleep the night before. David stayed up almost all night rehearsing what he was going to say to the man. 
When David finally went to bed, morning woke him prepared. As David arrived at the restaurant he noticed that there was no one inside. Dave waited 10 minutes until his father arrived. The two men had nothing to say to one another. The man introduced himself for the first time ever as ‘Carlos’ as he opened his arms up for a hug. David pushed him and said, “You should’ve been there for me dad.”
Carlos told David to sit down and he would answer all of his questions. Carlos went into detail about how he was on tour with his mariachi band and he could never sit down and have a family because he had to keep the commitment to stay on the road. David understood where his dad was coming from because David was always on tour and he never has time to stay at home.
As the evening winded down Dave realized that his dad was not a bad guy. Carlos did not want any money from David, all he wanted was to talk and sort things out. Dave agreed that he wanted to see more of Carlos in his life because Carlos was the only family he had left since his mother passed away. Trust was going to take time but love is forever when family is involved.

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