The Life of an Elder | Teen Ink

The Life of an Elder

January 28, 2016
By Anonymous

A day in the life of an elder would be interesting, and it will be a topic that is inevitable in my future. What would you do if you were an elder some people ask. Well, as an elder I would be very exciting, and I would be in style, not like the cranky men who sit on their porch and tell kids to get off their lawn. As an elder I would have fun with my kids and grandkids and I would try to be fit and in shape so that I can do fun activities with my family.
As an elder I would have respect for other elders, and I would try to teach the young and guide them in the right direction, so that they do not make the same mistakes that I did, and I could teach them. When I am older I am also going to try and stay in touch with the times, and not be stuck in the past like some grandparents are today. For example I would have a phone and know how to use it, or I would have a TV or just know what is going on in the world around me. I would also play bingo as little as possible so I do not get that typical old person look.
A day in the life of an old person, I would start out my day bright and early, or whenever I woke up. After waking up I would say hello to my family and I would get up and do everything that I need to in the bathroom. After using the bathroom I would come back into my room and I would put on my clothes for the day. Once my clothes were on I would go downstairs and I would make my family breakfast.
The breakfast that I make would most likely be eggs and toast with either sausage or bacon. After eating breakfast I would go and have a couple hours of leisure to do whatever I wanted, maybe something like go out with my family or have my family come over to my house, or maybe watch some TV. It would depend on what I felt like doing that day, but it would most likely change every day.
After my couple of hours doing nothing I would go and go into town and go shopping or go out to lunch, but I would try to have as much fun as possible. After my time out in town or going and getting lunch I would go and return home and have some more time to do what I wanted. In this time I would probably watch TV, but I might go outside and water the plants or help in the garden or take care of the lawn.
After my couple hours with nothing planned, it would be time to go to church. I would go to church, and then after church I would go and get something to eat for dinner, probably at a restaurant with my wife and family. After dinner I would go home and I would get myself ready for bed, and I would either watch TV again or read before going to sleep.
The average day in the life of an elder is not entertaining usually, but I would try to find a way to make it so. I would attempt to have as much fun as possible and I would also try to get together with my family or maybe even my friends. There is not much to do as an elder however, for sometimes you are too weak to go and do what you want to do, like go on a hike or a run. However, occasionally I would try to go out and exercise. In the end, when I become an old person, I am going to try and have as much fun as possible, and I am going to enjoy my days without having to work.

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