The Importance of Recycling | Teen Ink

The Importance of Recycling

February 25, 2016
By erahzhrah BRONZE, Terengganu, Other
erahzhrah BRONZE, Terengganu, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Have you ever wonder what can you do with the bottles and cans you find around you? Actually, we can recycle them to a useful things. Recycling can help the world being clean with littering the places. Such as, cans and bottles that we always found around us. Especially at the home. The things that actually we can recycling it. Its because it is easy to carry them out at home and we can easily recycle them. This way also makes our home clean and also help to save the earth from waste and trash build up.

  Next, it is to us for recycle the stuff by sort out the items accordingly. Such as, paper, aluminum, and plastic or glass. It is easy for other people to bring it to the recycle places and the process most easily going in the right way. The process of these items maybe will take such a long time to make it something useful to other people.
  Otherwise, the places that process that recycling things is called the recycling center. It easy to bring the things that can recycle to this place because we have already sort out accordingly. It also will make other people chores easily.

  And last but not least, the importance of recycling is it also help to conserve the environment. The earth will stay clean from any trash that humans make it. And it is our responsibility to take care of this earth. Let's make it always clean and a place that we have loved to stay forever.

The author's comments:

We have to help each other to change the world to be better, just like one of my idols said ' Help me to change the world ' . He said that cause he really wants to change the world and now, who thinks that he can change the world with his best music. -Justin Bieber-

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