A man who learned to grow up | Teen Ink

A man who learned to grow up

February 29, 2016
By Erikk BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
Erikk BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I slam the large black office door, storm out of the house, and go  to the garage. I took the large burlap tarp in my hands and ripped it off of my dad's favorite car: his brand new 1933 Rolls Royce Phantom in a limited edition deep violet with solid black wheels. I swear, he believes in that car more than me. So, I take it out to the main highway. As I manage to get the car up to 125 mph, I can feel the cold ripe air thrashing against my face.

* * *
15 Minutes Earlier… 

It was surprisingly warm for the 5th of March, and I can still see the morning dew collected on the ground. My butler (Charles) brought me today’s newspaper, the headline read in large bold letters, PROHIBITION IS OVER! THE ONCE BANNED ALCOHOL IS NOW LEGAL!!! I first thought, I can finally drink openly! I laughed to myself. My immediate next thought was of my father. Richard.  What is he going to do now? How is the alcohol business? More important what am I going to do!! I need more money, I can't get a job as an employee somewhere like a peasant!
“Son come to the office I got something I need to talk to you about!” Richard said loudly.
I walk ….sluggishly up the stairs because nothing good ever happens when he calls me like that. I walk to my desk, grab a drink, and then sit down in my large leather chair. “Yes Dad what's up?” I said lazily.
“Well son I assume you read the newspaper headline?” Richard  said instantly.
“Of course I did. Charles hand delivers it every morning,” I said annoyed at the question.
“ Well anyways you see we have a dilemma here.  My business is going to be going to be failing.” Richard said sadly.
“So what's the plan dad? What are we gonna do?” I asked curiously.
“No son, not this time. My plan is to open a bar” Richard said sternly.
“Thats a  good idea! And what do you mean by not this time?” I asked curiously.
“Son, you’re  arrogant, greedy, and selfish. I am not going to allow you to work with me. When; I mean if you change how you act maybe i'll reconsider. But for now my decision rests” Richard  said sternly.
“Dad! What the hell?! I'm not arrogant or selfish! This is ridiculous” I said angrily.
“Yes you are Donnie, you must be oblivious to it. Ok think about it like this; Remember when you got that new car last year for your birthday?” Richard said surprisingly calm.
“Yeah” I said remembering.
“Well when I got you the car and they didn't have the silver colour you wanted? You rejected the gift. Made me get rid of it or get the colour you wanted. See son that makes you arrogant. You got the car you've been asking and asking for but then when you got it you didn't want it because it wasn't silver. It doesn't matter about the colour or the car even; what matters is that you appreciate the gift,  you need to learn that” Richard said starting to get angry.
“Dad, what does the car have to do with me?” I said stupidly
“THE CAR WAS NOT THE POINT!! I was trying to say you are a  selfish and arrogant person. I do not want to work with you. You have to get a job of your own. I've taken the courtesy of calling my buddy John and I asked him if i could get you a job there at an entry level; meat packaging” Richard said anxiously.”
“ Well what are you going to do then? You needed a job so I got you one” Richard said normally.
“Look i'm not gonna do this job!” I said forcefully. I stand up, finish my drink, walk to the large door ignoring my angry father.
“Hey!! Don't you walk away from me son!! I'm trying to talk to you! Listen you need to do this j--” I slam the large black office door and storm out of the house.
I slam the large black office door, storm out of the house, and go to the garage. I took the large burlap tarp in my hands and ripped it off of my dad's favorite car: his brand new 1933 Rolls Royce Phantom in a limited edition deep violet with solid black wheels. I swear, he believes in that car more than me. So, I take it out to the main highway. As I manage to get the car up to 125 mph, I can feel the cold ripe air thrashing against my face.  I drive around for a few hours trying to wrap my head around what he said to me. I keep thinking  “you are a  selfish and arrogant person. I do not want to work with you. You have to get a job of your own.” It's like i'm not even his son anymore…But it doesn't matter anymore I don't need him to be successful, i'll create my own business to compete it should be easy I have the money. I’m  just driving in circles, It's around 6 pm so I decide to go home. I think to myself i'm just gonna ignore him, just forget about him I don't need him. As soon as I pull up, the car is very loud so I know it will wake up my father. I laughed to myself evilly.  I pull the car into the garage a little too fast and it forcefully wham’s into the back of the garage.  I don't care about the car so I don't bother to check the damage. I walk upstairs and Charles asks what happened.
“Sir, I heard a crash are you alright?” He asks concerned.
“I'm fine Charles thank you though. You’re services are not needed the rest of the night. Take the night off.” I said half paying attention.
“Thank you sir” he said sincerely.
I can't sleep because i'm trying to think of places I could try to buy. That one on 7th ave is pretty hot but I don't think they'll sell. Maybe the one on chestnut dr? If I offer high enough maybe I can get it. I'm gonna try that one tomorrow. 
I get a late start the next morning. Charles makes me a large extravagant breakfast, but I only take a coffee: black. I take my fathers car again, shift to reverse, and I hurriedly speed out of the driveway. As I drive to the bar I can feel the crisp midday air flurry against my face.  I turn onto chestnut dr. and park at a valet service at the bar. I walk in and ask for the owner of the establishment (John is an associate of my father; so I am well treated as I await his arrival).
“Hello Donnie I'm John, the owner of this now, bar. What can I do for you?” said John nicely.”
“Well John I was actually interested in purchasing this establishment from you.” I said nervously.
“Donnie, i'm sorry but the bar is not currently in a selling position. But how much were you planning on offering?” John said wondering.
“I was planning on say for a bar this large, about $170,000.” I said truthfully.
“$170,000? Good offer but I would be open for no less than $180,000. How does that sound to you, I mean you undoubtedly have the money.” John stated coaxingly.
“$180,000? I could manage that.” I said confidently.
“Alright! Sounds like a deal! But may I ask a question? Why are you looking to buy, I thought you would just work at Richards new bar?” John asked curiously.
“ Well my father and I had a falling out. So i'm hoping by opening my own bar, I can show him how I can be successful at being an owner.” I said openly.
One Month Later…

I pull into the driveway in my own 1933 Rolls Royce phantom, in a deep black with chrome accents, so the car glares in the sunlight. I walk up to my father's office again; this time willingly. I open the large black door, grab a drink, and sit down. “Dad? Can I talk to you for a second?” I asked nervously.
“ Did your bar fail already? I knew it wouldn't last long” Richard asked mockingly.
“ Actually quite the contrary; look outside.” I said confidently. My father opens the cool, immaculate window to see my car parked in the driveway. The cool spring breeze rustled the trees next to the window.

“First of all, that is an elegantly beautiful car. Second, where did you get the money for that car? They cost at least $200,000 for the base model before customization. The bar must be working out well for you then. But just because your bar is doing well doesn't change what I think of you.” Richard said judgmentally.
“Thank you I love that car. And Dad, I have changed, i'm not as arrogant or selfish anymore. I don't own that bar… by myself. The original owner agreed to let me purchase the bar, but I have to co-own with the original manager. He can't handle arrogance so i've had to change.” I said excitedly.
“Well son, it looks like you're all set. If what you say is true, I will make things right between us. But of course I have to talk to your perce, partner. If what you said and he'll say are both accurate then we will be okay again.” Richard said boldly.
“Okay, that's totally fine.” I said confidently.  I stand up from my seat, finish my drink, and this time calmly walk to the large door. I walk out feeling totally confident that I have changed; for the better. Now me and my father can become close once again.

The End

The author's comments:

I chose to write this, because I am a fan of historical stories and like to write (If I have an idea). 

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