Runaway | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By Shelby276 BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
Shelby276 BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My family went to the cabin for the weekend. Mom’s been acting strange lately, talking about things only she can see. Dad said that we needed to get away from all the stress at home. I was fine with that I loved being at the cabin. We used to come up here every other weekend but with dad’s promotion and mom’s health it seemed like we never got away. I side eyed my brother he was typing rapidly on his phone, I almost asked if he wanted to play one of the old car games we made up but lately he didn’t pay much attention to me. All he wanted to do was be with his stupid girlfriend, stupid bee. I turned my attention to my mom and dad. She was laying her head on the air-conditioned hit car window. My eyes trailed down her left side and her and dad’s hands were intertwined, it made me smile a real genuine smile. Maybe there was hope after all . . .
Sitting up I wiped my sticky forehead, yanked the duvet away from me, and tried to regulate my breathing. The dream had been pleasant the first few times but now with it recurring I was slightly scared. What did it all mean? Could things really get any worse?
My rambling thoughts were stopped by the gurgling drunk voice. I knew that voice too well. This isn't going to be good. Hesitating I tiptoed down the stairs, gripped the cherry wood handle, and followed the voices towards my father's study. Hearing my parents fight was never something out of the norm for me. By the sound of my Dad’s drunken yell and Mom’s frantic cry I knew mom was trying to get dad to listen to her.
“Sasha why can't you understand there's nothing there?!” dad shouted.
Turning towards the door I used my foot to crack it open, and peeped my head around. I involuntarily flinched when dad throws the glass of whiskey he just filled up towards mom.
She ducked before it hit her with only a few drops landing on her pressed striped blue button up. She rose calmly with a blank expression on her recently aged face while her hands gripped the sturdy desk until her knuckles were white.
     “They told me you would do this, that you wouldn't believe me!” Mom bleakley said.
           Dad didn't say anything, just walked past her headed for the door. I hastily backed into the corner.
As I stepped back something from behind grabbed a hold of my shoulders causing me to whip around and it was my brother holding me back. “Ryan what the hell? I questioned him dad walked by completely oblivious to us hiding in the shadows.
“Now we have resorted to spying?” I shoved off his callous hands that were on my bare shoulders and backed away.
“Don't touch me,” I said in the iciest voice I could muster.
He’d been acting strange lately and being around him make me feel queasy. Ryan didn't look the slightest bit surprised by my tone, I guess I wasn't that intimidating.
He opened his mouth to retort something back, but, was interrupted by mom    finally emerging from the study.
“Oh! hi kids, she greeted us in a rocky tone, neither one of us responded and she responded to our silence with a bright smile. I'll make you two something to eat!” Then cheerfully walked away.
Me and Ryan just looked at each other knowing that it was all for show and all of us were all lost inside.
Turning my back on him without another word or thought I walked back to my room.
I didn't plan on leaving my bed for the rest of day.
I called Carter to tell him to pack a bag we’re going on a roadtrip we talked for hours and he let me vent.
I woke up hitting the cool, blocky alarm clock feeling just as awful as I did the day before.
I started reminiscing about all the laughs and trips we took before we all got messed up somehow.
A swift knock on my bedroom door pulled me from my thoughts.
“Honey it's time to get up” my mom said in a abrasive voice. I ignored her morning greeting and shuffled to my bathroom.
First I did all the basic ‘morning stuff you do’ and got in the shower. This was my favorite part of the day the silence besides the drip,drip,drip of the water coming heavy out of the shower head. I was interrupted by the sound of my mother's voice. As she asked me again if was up I began to fizz up like a bomb.
The highlight of my day, the only time I have alone, how did she find a way to ruin this too?
     My reaction to this was balling my fists and placed on the ceramic tiles in front of me and banged my fists until they were tender and burning hot, talking seemed pointless nowadays, and with that I knew I had made my decision.
She finally gave in and walked away and I could hear her shuffling back down the stairs.
And that was where I ended my not so calming shower. I got dressed in corduroy black pants and a grey cardigan, something simple.
Sucking in a deep breath then released, time to put on a fake smile.
Grabbing my bag, I walked down the stairs my mind was in a uncomfortable silence with itself.
           “Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence,”    Ryan said giving me a bright and cheery grin.
It made me sick, sick that they could go around smiling like everything's fine.
          “Honey sit down I made breakfast.”
          “No thanks.” I said grabbing my car keys and grazing my hands over the fruits in the woven fruit basket on the granite counter.
  Subconsciously I picked an apple greedily and bit into it. It tasted tainted, well so much for eating.
  After my non-interested response I walked out of the kitchen without another word and to my car and and unknowingly my mom didn't know I didn't plan on coming back.
  Pulling into Carter's driveway 15 minutes later I tensely turned off the engine, and leaned back into my velvety seat, uneasy and still overthinking about the decision I was about to make.
  My birthday was in 2 weeks and that's when I planned to run away but lately everything was too overbearing, I had to get out of here.
  Honking three times before he finally emerged.
He walked to the car touched the crisp window and enthusiastically opened the door grinning ear to ear, “So the good girl wants to do something bad for a change, he put his hands on my pinkish cheeks to look surprised, so scandalous.”

  Playfully hitting his arm, remembering all the good times with my family we used to have.

  We drove and sat in a comfortable silence for an hour then he finally asked where we were going. No more fake smiles and vapid conversations, I thought and rolled down the window the cold frigid air hitting my numb face and thought idly of all the possibilities but only replied with
“Away . . .”

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