Men with Honor | Teen Ink

Men with Honor

February 29, 2016
By Marong BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Marong BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Kyle you have to jump now!" said Woods " GO GO GO!!!"

All of the sudden the plane is getting shot up.  Everyone jumps out of the plane.  They look up at the plane and a missile comes out of nowhere.  The plane blew up, we didn't see the pilots. They could see it in each other’s eyes.  They were in enemy Afghanistan territory.  As they landed, they did a radio check, weapons and ammunition.

Kyle looked at Woods and said, "The mission is still the key to ending the war on terror kill Al-Queda leaders!"

Woods said "Yea but we need to radio to base to tell them our ride didn't make it."

Ryan said "Even though that might be our case, the mission will end s*** like this. So those pilots up there that died will be the last soldiers who die in this war!"

Kyle said, "Do you hear that?”

Crack!  Tree branches warned them the enemy was close.

“Take cover!" Kyle roared.

Then they heard it.  A clear threat over a megaphone: “This is Afghanistan territory lower your weapons and no one will get hurt!”

The four men lowered their weapons knowing they couldn’t kill the soldiers that are fighting the same war.

Kyle said, “Lower your weapons, put your hands in the air.”  The enemy on the megaphone came up.  They weren’t Afghanistan police, they were Al-Queda.  It was too late to raise their weapons.  They were taken to one over their camps.

It was Alyman al Zawahiri, one of their targets they were supposed to kill.  They knew they have to kill him before they try to escape at one of Al-Queda bases.

Kyle said “You peace of s*** you’re going to rot in hell!  You will die mark my words I will kill you!” Zawahiri took his pistol out and knocked Kyle out.

Woods said, “You will regret this piece of s***!”

Zawahiri said “Your country will go down in flames and we will kill the president.”

Woods spit in his face and said “No you’re not because we are going to kill you!”

Zawahiri said, “Take those two away.  We will torture them to give us the classified information.”

The three soldiers shouted, “We ain’t telling you s*** asshole!” As they were carried away they were brought to one of Al-Queda before the soldiers picked them up  they put in a black bag when they removed them. They saw Zawahiri and Anwar Al-Awlaki another Al-Queda leader they’re supposed to kill.

Zawahiri said, “We are going to torture you guys until you tell us what we want to know. They looked at each other knowing they couldn’t give up the information. Also that it’s common sense that if they did, they would just kill them.  They remember that from their training.

The soldiers took Kyle into the room and said, “Who is the head of this mission that was to kill Al-Queda leaders.”

Kyle said, “I am Kris Kyle petty officer first class special forces serial number 15123.”  Zawahiri started to punch him again and again then grabbed his head and stuck it in cold water holding it there slowly drowning him. He pulled his head up and did it again.

Zawahiri said, “Who is the head of this mission that was to kill Al-Queda leaders?”

Kyle said “I am Kris Kyle, petty officer, first class special forces serial number 15123!”

Zawahiri took out his sharp knife and made a laceration on his leg. They took Kyle back to the prison cell where Woods and Ryan said “Get your hands of him.”

As they did that Kyle ripped the cold gun out of the soldiers hands and threw it on the ground. He punched the soldier in the face and got behind him. He put his hands on his neck and silently snapped his neck violently and killed the soldier. He grabbed the keys from the corpse and unlocked the cell.

Kyle said, “The mission is still going.  We need to kill every soldier that is here and the leaders suit up!”

Woods said, “That Zawahiri is not going to get away from doing this to you let’s go.”

Ryan said, “Let me put some bandages around that laceration on your leg.”

Kyle said, “Okay.”  Ryan was wrapping the bandages around the bloody laceration. They suit up and when they were leaving the cell area a couple soldiers were passing the area.

Kyle said, ”Drop them.” They dropped them without alerting the other guys.

Kyle said “We need to radio in and tell them to get us the hell out of her.”

Ryan radio in and said “This is Delta Team we need evack in 2200” This Bravo Charlie roger that.

Woods said “Okay now we need to kill those leaders and destroy this bases we need to set charges on this base.”

Kyle said “Okay let’s do it Woods you take forward Ryan take back and i will be in the middle under no circumstances silentcers only we can not alert that we escape.”

The two other soldiers said “Roger that” As their going up the stairs one guard came down Woods took him out when the reach the top of the stairs to the first floor there was dozen guard on the floor.

Kyle said “Woods you take left Ryan you take right I will take middle.” They were dropping the guards one by one when one guard saw Kyle Kyle quickly react and threw a Knife and kill him without alerting the rest of them.

Kyle said “First floor clear move up and let’s take the second Floor.” They moved up and took out some more guards on the stairs. They heard Zawahiri and Awlaki talking and they knew this is what they have to do they breach the door and shot Awlaki in the head and Zawahiri jumped out the window.

Kyle said take picture of him and we need to move they know we are here now! Radio in that we need xfill right now tell them the need to rain hell on the bases and make it into a grave!”

Ryan radio in and said “This is Delta Team we need xfill now and hit this base with everything you got! We are in hot zone!”

This is Bravo Charlie “Roger that and stand by.

Kyle said “We need to  kill Zawahiri now Woods make sure you make sure you get clear photo that Awlaki is dead.”

Woods said “Roger that.” They jumped out the window and were in pursuit of Zawahiri they encounter more enemy.

Kyle said “ Their he is stop him before he gets in the helicopter.” Woods shot soldier and hijacked the vehicle.
Woods said “Get on!”

Kyle said “Hit that thing with everything you got we cannot let him escape if we have to ram us into him or try to get me close so I can jump on it!” They were shooting everything they got at it while getting taking fire from the soldiers.

Woods said “I am out of ammo! but I got pistol ammo left.”

Ryan said “Same here.”

Kyle said “Save the Pistol ammo for xfill we are in humvee that’s bullet proof.”

Woods Said “Kyle you have to jump know GO GO GO!!!” Kyle jumped on the helicopter and is hanging on one of landing skids. Kyle wrapped his body around it swung up and open the helicopter door and took out his pistol and shot both pilots.

Kyle said to Zawahiri “You’re going to die.”

Zawahiri said “How is that?” Kyle lowered the helicopter down to the vehicle.

Kyle said “Looked at your chest and threw the cold pins at him!” Kyle jumped out and fell as he was falling.
Kyle said “Get away from the helicopter.” Woods pulled away Kyle landed on the humvee.The men looked at the helicopter and saw a big explosion.

Kyle said “Ryan to radio it in to give that base hell and mark we were with flare.”

Ryan said “This is Delta Team it’s a go give them hell! We are marking our location with a flare.

This is Bravo Charlie “Roger that we see your location sit tight boys I hope you like the fire workers can you confirm that Zawahiri and Awlaki are dead.” They saw all these shells come out of the shy and all you see is big explosions at the base.

Kyle said “They gave them hell.”

Woods said “Dam right no one f***s with America.”

Ryan said “Their dead.”

This is Bravo Charlie “You’re xfill coming on your right.” They see the Helicopter
Kyle said “Boys were going home.” Then the helicopter landed and they got in it and left Afghanistan territory.

Admiral Brain said “ Kyle thank you for telling me the story what happen to you and your men you have been award the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor is awarded to personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty. Kris Kyle for your actions you have been promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer for your leadership skills and driving your team to carry out the mission even though you guys were prisoners of war. You should be proud you been in here from 2400 to 0600 that's six hours Kyle you look exhausted you haven't had a good day’s rest you and your men go home see your family.”

Kyle said “Thank you sir but we were just doing our jobs.”

Admiral Brain said “Go d- brief your men.”

Kyle said “Yes sir.” Kyle walks out of the room and sees Woods and Ryan sitting their.

Kyle said “We got the rest of the day off go see your families and also we got the Medal of Honor I am proud of you guys and I got promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer.”

Woods said “We couldn't of done it without you.”

Ryan said “He's right.”

Kyle said “Thanks now let’s all go home see our family.” They left and went home a couple of days later the president Barack Obama award them medals.

The author's comments:

because soldiers are facing this every day getting torcher and thier not getting recongized. I aslo want to serve my country some day and i hope this wont happen to me and if it does I will hopefully get recused or I escape.

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