Adam's luck | Teen Ink

Adam's luck

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

“Well, Adam, looks like those filings are coming along nicely” Adam’s boss sarcastically said to him after witnessing Adam fall asleep at his desk for the 7th time that month.  Adam had fallen asleep so many times at work that since his third month there the office had a pool going to see how many times he fell asleep at work every month.  It wasn’t Adam’s fault, however.  He had been kept up all night, yet again, by the neighbor’s nocturnal cat that had been, apparently, stuck outside on the fire escape for the past year.  Adam knew this wasn’t the real reason, though.  This reason was the same reason for why his tie had been unknowingly inside out since he left his apartment and why he still felt the burn on his leg from the hot coffee that was spilled on him by an intern, his unusually bad luck.  “I’m sorry I’ll be right on those” Adam said to his boss, accepting yet another defeat brought to him by his bad luck.  Adam continued the rest of the day carefully going about his business and trying, unsuccessfully, not to become a victim of his luck yet again.  However, he did succeed in only screwing up in small, personal ways such as forgetting there was no toilet paper in the bathroom, accidentally stapling his finger to the files that he had been working on all day, and sneezing on the copy machine, causing it to malfunction, but those were simply normal things that, with Adams luck, had become part of a typical day for him. 
As he left work, with only a few cuts, bruises, and burns, Adam left somewhat confident that his luck, or lack thereof, would not make the best of him on that day and that he could maybe even walk through the city back to his apartment without screwing up for the first time in four months, but secretly Adam knew that his bad luck would not, in a million years allow that to happen.  However, Adam, for the first time in a while, began to walk through the city with his head held high, completely oblivious to the assortment of consequences that lay ahead for his misplaced confidence in his completely unconfident luck. 
Adam’s naïve journey throughout the city, although it obviously was doomed from the start, actually began as he had anticipated, if not better.  The usual unlucky occurrences that typically happened to him were still happening, but to different people unusually close to him, such as a man running into a light pole and spilling coffee all over himself, and another man being horribly drenched by a puddle of water directly in front of Adam, both of which caused Adam to laugh hysterically.  This laugh was partially because seeing that bad of luck is almost always considered humorous, but the main reason Adam laughed was because he knew that this bad of luck was often, if not always directed towards him, and Adam realized he had to enjoy these brief moments while he had the opportunity to.  Next, Adam looked down at his feet, realizing that someone had dropped 100 dollars onto the ground, ironically the same amount of money up for grabs in the “is Adam asleep” office pool.  Adam looked around, searching for anyone who looked as if they might have dropped money onto the ground, but there isn’t exactly a universal sign for that sort of thing.  As a result, Adam looked to the left and to the right one more time and calmly put the bill into his pocket and continued on his merry way.  This moment truly indicated how Adam’s luck had immensely shifted into a new direction, and it also led Adam to believe confidence was the key to him overcoming his bad luck.  However, real life stories don’t end the same way as inspirational Sesame Street episodes, at least not for Adam.
Adam walked up to the final four way stop before his house, confident as ever that his luck had shifted into a new direction, but as he waited at the stop light, he heard a man scream “come here you [explicative]” from behind him.  It was the man drenched in water that walked in front of Adam earlier, and at that moment Adam realized into his pocket and realized he hadn’t exactly noticed how dry or wet the bill was before he hastily carried it away, he only noticed the number of the front of it.  The man then charged Adam, forcing him to attempt to run away into moving traffic.  However, miraculously, Adam was not hit…by the first two cars.  The third car ran over and broke Adam’s foot, causing him to limp back into the unwelcoming arms of the wet, angry man ready to beat Adam to a pulp. 
Adam woke up next to a dumpster that, oddly enough, had a broken copy machine lodged into it.  His pockets were empty of not only of angry wet man’s money, but of Adam’s own as well.  Adam got up, sore from a beat down that he couldn’t even seem to remember, and called a cab  to take him the remaining 2 blocks to his apartment, just to make sure he didn’t endanger himself anymore in that simple 20 minute walk, and as Adam reached in his pocket and remembered he had no money to pay the driver, Adam sighed and realized that everything was wonderfully back to normal.

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