Trashy Trio In Trouble | Teen Ink

Trashy Trio In Trouble

March 11, 2016
By AndrewLogan98 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
AndrewLogan98 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
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“I don’t want Freddy to be gone. I want all three of them to be gone! They all will get sent to jail when we gather up enough evidence of them committing crimes, Cory.” Says the old drunk cowboy wannabe Garry Cove. Cory replies “Mr. Cove, how in the eff are we going to start with that?” Cove smirks at Cory and says “Oh, I got a plan. Believe me.”
One late October morning two delinquents named Dean and Casper were walking around in the Green Acres Apartment Complex parking lot drinking some red jungle juice and smoking pal mals. Freddy crawls out of the garage in which he lives in when he hears human activity from his friends. Casper says “What’s up Freddy? I got this mail for ya.” As he hands Freddy the mysterious envelope. Dean starts to tell what sounds like a joke as Freddy is reading the letter “Hey guys, if a cow laughs. Does milk come out of its nose?” Casper gets offended by Dean’s stupidity and replies “I hope you are joking and you really aren’t that huge of a dumbass!” Dean gets in stance to shove Casper, but Freddy interrupts it with his green eyes all big and his buck teeth showing “Boys! It’s an eviction notice! I have five out of three strikes! How is that even possible?!” Dean aggressively replies “I don’t know but I hate Garry Cove, he’s the worst apartment lamb-lord ever! Don’t even get me started on his little butt-buddy, Cory. That guy’s a dick and he’s not even a good maintenance guy.” Casper puts his toned tattooed arm up and around Dean and says “Buddy, we all don’t like them. We know Garry is a genuine jerk and nobody likes or gets why Cory streaks, but those aren’t important. Freddy is getting EVICTED out of my garage! We need to figure this situation out, and fast.” Dean sighs and throws his hands up.
Freddy starts to cry and heads to the garage to start packing his belongings up, Dean and Casper follow their sensitive friend and Casper says “Freddy, stop packing. We’re getting this figured out, all in together.” Before anyone in the raggedy posse can say anything there is a loud knock on the garage door. And Freddy lifts his door to find Cory. Cory the maintenance guy asks “May I come in?” Since nobody likes him because he’s naked half the time, Freddy says “Get the hell out of here, Cory. I’ll be moved out by tonight.” Cory says “Look guys, I know you aren’t too fond of me… and Mr. Cove screwed you over on a handful of occasions, but, I might be able to help you out, Freddy.” Dean gets a mean look on his face and says “What are you going to do? Get naked?” Cory doesn’t get offended and says “Look guys, I want it to be like what it was when we were all kids. Remember those days? Casper?” Casper replies in an unsure resentment “Cory, you can’t just waltz right in here, wearing clothes, not fixing things, and expect us to trust you. You have to earn it. You can start by actually fixing my utilities, keeping that hairy stomach under your clothes, and getting back at Cove.” “Challenge accepted, let’s go to your effing house, Casper.” Said Cory.
So the trio and Cory are all up in Casper’s house and Cory instantly notices the pipes laying around, but to the trio, it’s the usual. “So what’s wrong, Casper?” Casper says “Dean, pull that string on the lamp.” Dean pulls it, barely not ripping the lamp in half, and the kitchen light turns on. “How in the hell is that even possible?” exclaimed the surprised Cory. Dean’s big sister, Jessica knocks on the door. Dean answers Casper’s door. “Jessica!” yells Dean as the large tall man hugs his skinny attractive brunette sister, who is also a little tall standing at 5”9’. Jessica asks “What the hell is Cory doing in Casper’s apartment? Is he actually fixing something?” Cory yells across Casper’s room “The whole electric system is all effed up! Why don’t the four of you leave and come back in an hour.” Freddy nervously shrugs his shoulders before all four of them walk out and in a shaky voice says “Casper, we’re supposed to be getting my strikes back not getting your lights fixed and making Cove pissed off!” Casper replies “I know. The only reason we’re doing those is to gain his trust. You and Dean were quick to believe that Cory is all of a sudden a good guy. Well I guess we’ll see after my electricity is fixed and he does a little prank or something on Cove. You get it, man?” Freddy happens to sweat as he says “mmmm… I guess.”

Meanwhile Cory quickly fixes the wiring problem, it was actually a pretty impressive job in how fast he did it. Cory still had roughly 35 minutes till noon, when the trio and Dean’s sister will be back. Cory is snooping around and dials Mr. Cove’s number on his cell phone… “Hello, Mr. Cove. I’m in Casper’s apartment alone right now. They think I’m fixing a wiring problem. I already got that done and have about 30 minutes to investigate. What should I keep an eye out for?” Mr. Cove excitedly replies “Anything that can land those three piss-giblets in jail!” Cory takes pictures of all the glass multi-colored paraphernalia, he snaps a few pictures of the dozen unregistered handguns that Casper has. “I got some great pictures, I’m sending them to you right now as we speak, Mr. Cove.” Says Cory. As Cove receives the pictures he says “Oh keep it up, and, you may just find yourself the weekend land-lord… Now, you’ll have to gain their trust and use that wire so we can gather up audio evidence as well. Got it?” Cory smiles and says “Got it, Mr. Cove. Even if it involves terrorizing you a little bit?” You can only hear liquor being chugged on the phone for about ten seconds then Mr. Cove says “Do whatever it takes, boy.” With only about 15 minutes left, Cory skims through the rooms seeing if he forgot anything and that everything was left the way it was before, so he starts cleaning up his mess from the wiring situation.
As the clock strikes 12:05, Casper, Freddy, Dean, and Jessica all walk back in and with a great plan to really get back at Garry Cove. Dean smirks and says “Okay, Cory, after you play this little prank on Cove, you should earn our trust. At least I… damn it… what’s the word-“ Jessica finishes off Dean’s sentence “Think?” Dean winks and says “Right!” So, Casper goes on to explain “Okay, this one’s a little raunchy, Cory. You need to find Cove’s Jägermeister and empty out half of it and fill it up with your piss! Do you think you can handle it?” Cory starts to sweat, and says “Yeah guys, if you supply me with something to drink.” Dean hands Cory the jungle juice and says “Take this, this will put some lead in your pencil, kid.” Cory starts pounding the jungle juice. Jessica gets up and says “I’m sorry, I can’t be here for this” as she walks out the door.
Fifteen minutes have passed since Cory started drinking that jungle juice, and he’s pretty loc’d out right about now. Freddy breaks his silence streak and says “You about ready, Cory?” Cory stands up and yells “Eff, Yeah!” and then falls to the floor. Dean and Casper carry the drunk maintenance guy to Garry Cove’s liquor shed that’s behind the apartments. “How do you guys know where Mr. Cove keeps his beverages?” as Freddy obliviously says “We’ve been busting in here since we were 10, drinking Cove’s liquor.” He has no idea that was caught on the wire. All of a sudden Cove comes around the corner. Cory starts frantically undressing himself getting ready to fight. Dean yells “Why the hell are you taking your clothes off you turd sprinkler?!” Freddy explains “Well, Cory is a big guy and he can’t move around in his outfit very well. He can get really go to the ground but it’s just that one piece of cloth separating you from his…:” Cove yells “It’s over boys, I’m calling the cops.” Casper yells “Garry, how about this… Dean and I will take you and Cory on. If we win, we get to stay here and so does Freddy and you destroy that evidence in front of us. If you win, we’ll all move out.” The fight is about to begin, emotions are high.

The author's comments:

Humor from the heart.

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