Money | Teen Ink


March 11, 2016
By Olivia666 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
Olivia666 BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Where’s my money bro?” Jon angrily yelled in Tim’s face.
“I… uh… misplaced it.” Tim whispered staring at the ground.
“How could you lose 100,000 dollars? You are so stupid. If you don’t get me my money by this time tomorrow you will regret it.” Jon stomped away.
Tim could only imagine what would happen if he couldn’t get the money. He had heard several gun shots after workers had got called to the office. He had to try right away. He walked up out of the underground building. When he got into the fresh air he started to reflect on his party that he had had about a week ago. Thinking about who was there and who would have known about all of the cash. As he was thinking he got into his rusty, old car and drove to the place he first thought of. When he arrived at the first house, he took him baseball bat and smashed the windows. His friend quickly approached.
“Man! What the hell are you doing smashing my window?”
“Did you take my money?” he held up his baseball bat ready to swing.
“No dude, I wouldn’t do that to you, you should know that.”
“Tell me who took it then, I know you know.” Tim yelled.
“I can’t say…” the guy said, but soon regretted. 
Tim started to smash more windows, mirrors, and furniture.
“Tell me!!!”
“Ok, ok, it was Jack. He has this plan to start a drug company of his own and needed some money to start. When he found it at your party he took it but he was going to replace it when he got his business up and running.”
Tim walked out back into his car and drove off to his next destination. He arrived at Jacks house. Before he got out of the car we opened his glovebox and pulled out his gun to put in his pants. He calmly walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.
“Hey Tim! What are you doing here?” Jack asked.
“I was in the neighborhood. I thought I’d come by and say hi.”
“Come on in. Do you want a beer?”
“Yes please.”
They stood in the kitchen talking about their drug dealing friends for a bit. Tim had observed where a safe would be or something money would be stored in.
“I am thankful for the true friends in this business.” Jack said.
“I would be too but some steal your money.” Tim snapped.
Jack froze for a second.
“What kind of things do you put in your safe Jack?”  Tim asked.
“Oh yeah know just like documents, and important valuables.”
Tim pulled out his gun, pointing to Jacks head.
“Open it.” Tim demanded.
Jack moved quickly over to tackle Tim and take the gun out of his hand. The gun glided over the kitchen floor. Tim got up fast and recovered it. The gun was quickly back on Jacks head. He sighed and started opening the safe. Out fell his $100,000. Tim took it and put in his man satchel.
“Nice try Jack.” Tim laughed shooting Jack in the leg. “Have a nice night!”

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