Geometry | Teen Ink


March 30, 2016
By joshlawrence BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
joshlawrence BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sweat. What a strange word when you think about it. Sweat glands. Adding two strange words to be, well, stranger. I never knew sweat glands could explode, and although they weren’t physically exploding, the feeling was neutral. Sweat was dripping down every corner of my head, my head that had no corners. Not to mention the dreadful cramps in my hands, and my desk which now felt like spikes jabbing into my arms. My eyes then shot across the room, only to see the white walls of the classroom slowly moving in, as if I was in the garbage compactor from Star Wars. The maroon carpet seemed to be rising, capturing my feet as it went.  And now I had a crucial decision to make. Survive or not, I had to make a split decision. Then, I woke up.
I jumped out of my seat, startled as ever. I didn’t even know where I was at this point. As I gathered myself, I began to scope out my surroundings. I was in Geometry class, minus the walls closing in and the floor rising. I then looked behind me, only to find my entire class looking at me as if I was born just before their eyes. I then turned again to find Mr. Engbers was not in the room. Again, I turned to find the clock, which had just struck 11:50 a.m. Since it was 4th hour, class ended at 11:53. Great. When I made it back to my desk I noticed the empty test lying there silently.
I was now confronted with a choice. However, it was not a split decision on how to escape from a garbage compactor. I had two options. I could attempt to complete one problem, at the most, and receive about a 5%. On the other hand, I could wait for Mr. Engbers and tell him I had slept for 45 minutes of our 56 minute class period, and I hadn’t filled out any of our 2nd test of the semester, which would without a doubt derail my entire grade. At this point, my options were more slim than I could’ve ever imagined. Getting out of this situation was nearly impossible.

The author's comments:

This experience is based on a true story that happened to me, however some parts could have happened but I added them as I went.

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