Lost His Mind | Teen Ink

Lost His Mind

April 4, 2016
By MartinLink12 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
MartinLink12 BRONZE, Orient, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was finally the day that my mom was going to take the family to Kings Island. My older brother, Alex, and I were both super excited to go, but sadly our dad couldn’t come with us. He had to go to Sandusky for a meeting and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. After we said goodbye to our dad, who hadn’t left for his meeting yet, we climbed into our mom’s 2007 Malibu. Mom told us it was an important meeting during the hour long trip to Kings Island. Alex played on his phone the entire trip and I watched a little bit of Kung Fu Panda on my portable DVD player. Ti Lung was attempting to escape the prison when we finally made it to Kings Island. Before we got out of the car I put my DVD player in the trunk and Alex simply put his phone in his pocket. Then we walked up to the entrance and gave the lady at the counter our platinum passes.
          I could hear the sound of the fountains located on the midway. It reminded me about the time when my dad told me that when you first walk into a park there should always be a stunning view to welcome the guests. Kings Island definitely accomplished that. The fountains, the buildings, and the Eiffel Tower all made the park look amazing, and I’ve only been inside the park for two seconds. The first thing me and Alex did was walk to the new roller coaster, Banshee. My dad told me it was the longest inverted roller coaster in the world. I was thinking that the line was going to be long but it wasn’t, and we got on the blue train in less than 10 minutes. It has always been crazy to me how I can walk into a theme park and ride a $24 million roller coaster in less than 10 minutes.   
          After we got off we looked at our on ride photo and bought it. Alex wanted to take a picture of it so he could put it on Instagram but his phone was missing. He quickly checked all his pockets but didn't feel it. The first thing he thought was that mom was going to be mad at him for losing his phone. Alex handed me the picture as he headed up the exit ramp of the ride. The ride attendant said that there were no phones left on the seats of the blue train. I looked at the photo as Alex looked around some more. Alex was looking at the camera and I was looking at the empty seat next to my right. I was pretending  like the person next to me fell out of the ride. I looked at Alex again and that's when something caught my eye. It was his phone! I immediately told Alex that his phone was near the on-ride photo section.
          We both ran to the fence to look for his phone. I couldn't find it but Alex was determined to. He told me to look out for people watching so he could jump the fence. I don't know what got into him because that would be the dumbest thing he has ever done. There was no one looking but before I could persuade him to not do it he was already over the fence looking for his phone directly under the track. A bunch of people noticed him and gathered around the fence to get him to get out of there. There was so much noise that nobody heard the Banshee’s scream. Alex was still looking everywhere for it but he couldn't find it. Finally, he picked it up and started running for the fence, but before he got there everyone told him to get down. Instead, he looked up and saw the Banshee rush past him. The wind knocked him back a few feet and he started clutching his arm. The ride was put on an emergency stop so that the paramedics could get to him and it stayed closed the entire day. We found our mom and she was so surprised that Alex would do something like that. The paramedics told her that he probably has a dislocated shoulder and should be taken to the hospital.
          After that, Alex didn't care for roller coasters like he used to, and he never wanted to go back to Kings Island. Dad came back from the meeting the next day and has already heard about what happened. Alex told him that there were all these stories about people being hit by roller coasters. Alex thought he wouldn't get hurt because he was smart.
          The truth is you should never go into restricted areas of an amusement park. If you lost something valuable, you might be able to retrieve it when the park closes. You can prevent all of this if you keep all your items secure or in a locker before you ride.

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