The Tree and the Girl | Teen Ink

The Tree and the Girl

April 4, 2016
By lil·cherie BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
lil·cherie BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The girl swaying on the swing wasn’t feeling well. He didn’t know how he could tell, but something about the way her weight tugged on the cords holding her up also tugged at the edges of his wooden heart. Had he been able to talk to her, he would have asked her what was wrong, and listened to her talk as her tears evaporated into the autumn wind. But he couldn’t talk, for he had to mouth, and he couldn’t listen, for he had no ears, and so all he could do was swing her gently on the swing. From where he stood, he could see her father drunkenly stumbling around, and he wished desperately that he was able to tell her to stop swinging and run far, far away. He tried to whisper a warning into her ear as the wind shook the tips of his fingers, but the crying girl did not understand or respond.

After darkness came and light tore apart the sky, her body, battered and broken, was found near a tall tree, swaying gently from a tall swing, and the cries of both the wind and the tree could be heard for miles all around.


The author's comments:

The idea for this short passage came to me when I realised that sometimes, nature is more humane than humans are. I also hope that this dark story will not be something that brings sadness to people, but determination. Evil can be stopped, but only if people are willing to help others.


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